Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Ph.D.

2011 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
Mass Communications, Speech Communication, Journalism
"Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt"


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Barbie Zelizer grad student 2011 Penn
 (Journalism's missing links: Kidnapping and captivity coverage around the world.)
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Aharoni T, Amit-Danhi E, Overbeck M, et al. (2023) "You'd be Right to Indulge Some Skepticism": Trust-building Strategies in Future-oriented News Discourse. Journalism Studies. 24: 1651-1671
Mitchelstein E, Boczkowski PJ, Tenenboim-Weinblatt K, et al. (2020) Incidentality on a continuum: A comparative conceptualization of incidental news consumption Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism. 21: 1136-1153
Gonen Y, Kampf Z, Tenenboim-Weinblatt K. (2020) Textual Reservations in Conflict Situations: How the Israeli and Palestinian Media Treat Each Other’s Coverage Journalism Practice. 1-18
Aharoni T, Tenenboim-Weinblatt K. (2019) Unpacking Journalists’ (Dis)Trust: Expressions of Suspicion in the Narratives of Journalists Covering the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The International Journal of Press/Politics. 24: 426-443
Fischhendler I, Tenenboim-Weinblatt K. (2019) The peace dividend as an intangible benefit in mega-project justification: A comparative content analysis of the Dead Sea-Red Sea Canal Geoforum. 101: 141-149
Hameleers M, Bos L, Fawzi N, et al. (2018) Start Spreading the News: A Comparative Experiment on the Effects of Populist Communication on Political Engagement in Sixteen European Countries. The International Journal of Press/Politics. 23: 517-538
Nave NN, Shifman L, Tenenboim-Weinblatt K. (2018) Talking It Personally: Features of Successful Political Posts on Facebook: Social Media and Society. 4: 205630511878477
Baden C, Tenenboim-Weinblatt K. (2018) The search for common ground in conflict news research: Comparing the coverage of six current conflicts in domestic and international media over time Media, War & Conflict. 11: 9999999999
Tenenboim-Weinblatt K, Neiger M. (2018) Temporal affordances in the news Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism. 19: 37-55
Tenenboim-Weinblatt K, Baden C. (2018) Journalistic transformation: How source texts are turned into news stories Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism. 19: 1464884916667873
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