Mark Cooney
Affiliations: | University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States |
Theory and Methods, Criminology and PenologyGoogle:
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Phillips S, Cooney M. (2015) The Electronic Pillory: Social Time and Hostility Toward Capital Murderers Law & Society Review. 49: 725-759 |
Cooney M. (2015) How to commit a perfect murder International Journal of Law Crime and Justice. 43: 295-309 |
Cooney M. (2014) Death by family: Honor violence as punishment: Punishment & Society. 16: 406-427 |
Cooney M, Phillips S. (2013) With God on One's Side: The Social Geometry of Death Row Apologies† Sociological Forum. 28: 159-178 |
Cooney M. (2009) The scientific significance of Collins's Violence. The British Journal of Sociology. 60: 586-94; author reply |
Cooney M. (2009) Ethnic conflict without ethnic groups: a study in pure sociology. The British Journal of Sociology. 60: 473-92 |
Cooney M, Burt CH. (2008) Less crime, more punishment. Ajs; American Journal of Sociology. 114: 491-527 |
Cooney M. (2006) The criminological potential of pure sociology Crime Law and Social Change. 46: 51-63 |
Phillips S, Cooney M. (2005) Aiding Peace, Abetting Violence: Third Parties and the Management of Conflict. American Sociological Review. 70: 334-354 |
Cooney M. (2004) Homicide: A Sociological Explanation: Contemporary Sociology. 33: 601-602 |