Juan M. Madera, Ph.D.

2008 Rice University, Houston, TX 
Industrial Psychology
"Juan Madera"


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Michelle R. Hebl grad student 2008 Rice University
 (Reactions to stigmas in the employment interview: An eye tracking investigation.)
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Lee L, Guchait P, Madera JM. (2020) Negative affect, deep acting, and customer compensation as responses to customer mistreatment: The effect of customer-based perspective-taking International Journal of Hospitality Management. 89: 102532
Bernardes RF, Guzzo RF, Madera JM. (2019) Millennial Attitudes Toward Online and Traditional Training Methods: The Role of Training Utility and Satisfaction Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 60: 320-334
Madera JM, Ng L, Sundermann JM, et al. (2019) Top management gender diversity and organizational attraction: When and why it matters. Archives of Scientific Psychology. 7: 90-101
Madera JM, Lee L, Dawson M. (2019) Sexual harassment and sexual assault training: Consider the industry Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 12: 96-99
Madera JM. (2018) What’s in It for Me? Perspective Taking as an Intervention for Improving Attitudes Toward Diversity Management: Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 59: 100-111
Madera JM, Guchait P, Dawson M. (2018) Managers’ reactions to customer vs coworker sexual harassment International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 30: 1211-1227
Bharadwaja S, Lee L, Madera JM. (2018) Customer evaluations of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors: Agentic and communal differences International Journal of Hospitality Management. 70: 120-129
Guchait P, Zhao X, Madera J, et al. (2018) Can error management culture increase work engagement in hotels? The moderating role of gender Service Business. 12: 757-778
Madera JM, Hebl MR, Dial H, et al. (2018) Raising Doubt in Letters of Recommendation for Academia: Gender Differences and Their Impact Journal of Business and Psychology. 34: 287-303
Madera JM. (2017) When Targets Blame Their Organization for Sexual Harassment: A Multilevel Investigation of Within-Person Appraisals Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 59: 49-60
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