
Charles Negy

University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Psychometrics Psychology
"Charles Negy"
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Negy C, Plaza D, Reig-Ferrer A, et al. (2018) Is Viewing Sexually Explicit Material Cheating on Your Partner? A Comparison Between the United States and Spain. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Negy C, Velezmoro R, Reig-Ferrer A, et al. (2016) Parental Influence on Their Adult Children's Sexual Values: A Multi-National Comparison Between the United States, Spain, Costa Rica, and Peru. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 45: 477-89
Negy C, Reig-Ferrer A, Gaborit M, et al. (2014) Psychological homelessness and enculturative stress among US-deported Salvadorans: a preliminary study with a novel approach. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health / Center For Minority Public Health. 16: 1278-83
Negy C, Ferguson CJ, Galvanovskis A, et al. (2013) Predicting violence: A cross-national study of United States and Mexican young adults Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 32: 54-70
Lacefield K, Negy C, Velezmoro R. (2013) Anxiety Related to Nonerotic Cognitive Distractions During Sexual Activity in Lesbian, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Women Journal of Bisexuality. 13: 390-408
Negy C, Pearte C, Lacefield K. (2013) Young Adults' Attitudes Toward Polygamous Marriage as a Function of Gender, Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage, and Other Sociopersonality Constructs Marriage and Family Review. 49: 51-82
Schuster E, Negy C, Tantleff-Dunn S. (2013) The effects of appearance-related commentary on body dissatisfaction, eating pathology, and body change behaviors in men Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 14: 76-87
Pearte C, Renk K, Negy C. (2013) Explaining Variation in Relations Among Intrinsic Religiosity, Political Conservatism, and Homonegativity as a Function of Authoritarianism’s Three Components: an Expansion on Recent Literature Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 10: 97-109
Velezmoro R, Negy C, Livia J. (2012) Online sexual activity: cross-national comparison between United States and Peruvian college students. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 41: 1015-25
Lacefield K, Negy C. (2012) Non-erotic cognitive distractions during sexual activity in sexual minority and heterosexual young adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 41: 391-400
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