Maria Kopp
Affiliations: | Semmelweis Egyetem, Hungary |
Public Health, Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Individual and Family StudiesGoogle:
"Maria Kopp"Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add traineeImre Szebik | grad student | 2004 | Semmelweis Egyetem |
Csilla T. Csoboth | grad student | 2005 | Semmelweis Egyetem |
Marta Novak | grad student | 2005 | Semmelweis Egyetem |
Gyorgy Purebl | grad student | 2005 | Semmelweis Egyetem |
Irena Szumska | grad student | 2005 | Semmelweis Egyetem |
Szilvia Adam | grad student | 2008 | Semmelweis Egyetem |
Miklos Szocska | grad student | 2008 | Semmelweis Egyetem |
Tamas Martos | grad student | 2010 | Semmelweis Egyetem |
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Györffy Z, Torzsa P, Sándor I, et al. (2013) [Sleep disorders and physical abuse: a nation-wide representative study in Hungary]. Psychiatria Hungarica : a Magyar PszichiáTriai TáRsasáG TudomáNyos FolyóIrata. 28: 281-90 |
Perczel Forintos D, Rózsa S, Pilling J, et al. (2013) Proposal for a short version of the Beck Hopelessness Scale based on a national representative survey in Hungary. Community Mental Health Journal. 49: 822-30 |
Vereckei E, Edit V, Susanszky E, et al. (2013) Psychosocial, educational, and somatic factors in chronic nonspecific low back pain. Rheumatology International. 33: 587-92 |
Purebl G, Pilling J, Konkolÿ TB, et al. (2012) [Are oppressive dreams indicators in bereavement?]. IdeggyóGyáSzati Szemle. 65: 261-5 |
Kopp M, Szekely A, Adam S. (2012) W03-04 - Severity of depressive symptomatology and suicidal behaviour in the hungarian population European Psychiatry. 27: 1 |
Polner K, Szeifert L, Vámos EP, et al. (2011) Psychosocial characteristics and self-reported functional status in patients on maintenance dialysis in Hungary. Clinical Nephrology. 76: 455-63 |
Torzsa P, Keszei A, Kalabay L, et al. (2011) Socio-demographic characteristics, health behaviour, co-morbidity and accidents in snorers: a population survey. Sleep & Breathing = Schlaf & Atmung. 15: 809-18 |
Martos T, Kopp MS. (2011) Life Goals and Well-Being: Does Financial Status Matter? Evidence from a Representative Hungarian Sample Social Indicators Research. 105: 561-568 |
Kopp MS, Thege BK, Balog P, et al. (2010) Measures of stress in epidemiological research. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 69: 211-25 |
Adám S, Gyorffy Z, Harmatta J, et al. (2010) [Psychiatric and somatic morbidity among Hungarian psychiatrists]. Psychiatria Hungarica : a Magyar PszichiáTriai TáRsasáG TudomáNyos FolyóIrata. 25: 55-61 |