Barry Trute

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
Social Work, Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology
"Barry Trute"
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Thompson S, Hiebert-Murphy D, Trute B. (2013) Parental perceptions of family adjustment in childhood developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities : Joid. 17: 24-37
Trute B, Benzies KM, Worthington C. (2012) Mother Positivity and Family Adjustment in Households with Children with a Serious Disability. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 21: 411-417
Benzies KM, Trute B, Worthington C, et al. (2011) Assessing psychological well-being in mothers of children with disability: evaluation of the Parenting Morale Index and Family Impact of Childhood Disability scale. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 36: 506-16
Rikhy S, Tough S, Trute B, et al. (2010) Gauging knowledge of developmental milestones among Albertan adults: a cross-sectional survey. Bmc Public Health. 10: 183
Trute B, Benzies KM, Worthington C, et al. (2010) Accentuate the positive to mitigate the negative: mother psychological coping resources and family adjustment in childhood disability. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. 35: 36-43
Trute B, Hiebert-Murphy D, Levine K. (2007) Parental appraisal of the family impact of childhood developmental disability: times of sadness and times of joy. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. 32: 1-9
Trute B, Docking B, Hiebert-Murphy D. (2007) Couples therapy for women survivors of child sexual abuse who are in addictions recovery: a comparative case study of treatment process and outcome. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 27: 99-110
Trute B. (2003) Grandparents of Children With Developmental Disabilities: Intergenerational Support and Family Well-Being Families in Society-the Journal of Contemporary Social Services. 84: 119-126
Trute B, Hiebert-Murphy D. (2002) Family adjustment to childhood developmental disability: a measure of parent appraisal of family impacts. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 27: 271-80
Trute B. (1998) Going beyond gender-specific treatments in wife battering: Pro-feminist couple and family therapy Aggression and Violent Behavior. 3: 1-15
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