Marjorie Sable

University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO, United States 
Social Work, Demography, Public and Social Welfare
"Marjorie Sable"
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Gonzalez EU, Sable MR, Campbell JD, et al. (2010) The influence of patriarchal behavior on birth control access and use among recent Hispanic immigrants. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health / Center For Minority Public Health. 12: 551-8
Schwartz LR, Sable MR, Dannerbeck A, et al. (2007) Using Photovoice to improve family planning services for immigrant Hispanics. Journal of Health Care For the Poor and Underserved. 18: 757-66
Sable MR, Galambos CM. (2006) Prevention and women's reproductive health: a matter of concern. Health & Social Work. 31: 163-6
Sable MR, Campbell JD, Schwarz LR, et al. (2006) Male Hispanic immigrants talk about family planning. Journal of Health Care For the Poor and Underserved. 17: 386-99
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