Jann Pasler

University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Music, Ethnic and Racial Studies
"Jann Pasler"


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Ivan Raykoff grad student 2002 UCSD
Charles Kronengold grad student 2003 UCSD
Nina S. Eidsheim grad student 2008 UCSD
Alexander G. Obrecht grad student 2008 UCSD
Gascia Ouzounian grad student 2008 UCSD
Zeynep Bulut grad student 2011 UCSD
Christopher J. Tonelli grad student 2011 UCSD
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Pasler J. (2012) Debussy the Man, His Music, and His Legacy: An Overview of Current Research Notes. 69: 197-216
Pasler J. (2012) Rachel Cowgill, David Cooper, Clive Brown, eds. Art and Ideology in European Opera: Essays in Honour of Julian Rushton (Woodbridge, UK: Boydell & Brewer, 2010). xv+413 pp. £60.00. Nineteenth-Century Music Review. 9: 332-336
Pasler J. (2008) Review: Musical Encounters at the 1889 Paris World's Fair by Annegret Fauser Journal of the American Musicological Society. 61: 438-445
Pasler J. (2007) Deconstructing d'Indy, or the Problem of a Composer's Reputation 19th-Century Music. 30: 230-256
Pasler J. (2007) Theorizing Race in Nineteenth-Century France: Music as Emblem of Identity The Musical Quarterly. 89: 459-504
Pasler J. (2005) Déconstruire d'Indy Revue De Musicologie. 91: 369-400
Pasler J. (2004) The Utility of Musical Instruments in the Racial and Colonial Agendas of Late Nineteenth-Century France Journal of the Royal Musical Association. 129: 24-76
Pasler J. (1992) Some Thoughts on Susan McClary's "Feminine Endings" Perspectives of New Music. 30: 202
Pasler J. (1991) New Music as Confrontation: The Musical Sources of Jean Cocteau's Identity The Musical Quarterly. 75: 255-278
Kielian-Gilbert M, Pasler J, Haimo E, et al. (1989) In Counterpoint: Two Stravinsky Books@@@Confronting Stravinsky@@@Stravinsky Retrospectives Perspectives of New Music. 27: 246
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