Rohit Deshpande

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Theory and Methods
"Rohit Deshpande"
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Mohan B, Schlager T, Deshpandé R, et al. (2018) Consumers Avoid Buying From Firms With Higher CEO-to-Worker Pay Ratios Journal of Consumer Psychology. 28: 344-352
Mohan B, Norton MI, Deshpande R. (2015) Paying Up for Fair Pay: Consumers Prefer Firms with Lower CEO-to-Worker Pay Ratios Acr North American Advances
Deshpandé R, Grinstein A, Kim SH, et al. (2013) Achievement motivation, strategic orientations and business performance in entrepreneurial firms: How different are Japanese and American founders? International Marketing Review. 30: 231-252
Shultz CJ, Deshpandé R, Cornwell TB, et al. (2012) Marketing and public policy: Transformative research in developing markets Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. 31: 178-184
Deshpandé R, Grinstein A, Ofek E. (2012) Strategic orientations in a competitive context: The role of strategic orientation differentiation Marketing Letters. 23: 629-643
Chance Z, Deshpandé R. (2009) Putting Patients First Social Marketing Strategies for Treating HIV in Developing Nations Journal of Macromarketing. 29: 220-232
Deshpandé R, Farley JU. (2007) Interdisciplinary Research Within a Modified Competing Values Model of Organizational Performance: Results from Brazil Journal of Global Marketing. 20: 5-16
Farley JU, Deshpandé R. (2006) Charting the Evolution of Russian Firms from Soviet 'Producer Orientation' to Contemporary 'Market Orientation' Journal of Global Marketing. 19: 7-26
Deshpandé R, Farley JU, Bowman D. (2004) Tigers, Dragons, and Others: Profiling High Performance in Asian Firms: Journal of International Marketing. 12: 5-29
Deshpandé R, Farley JU. (2004) Organizational Culture, Innovativeness and Market Orientation in Hong Kong Five Years After Handover: What Has Changed? Journal of Global Marketing. 17: 53-73
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