Bincy Wilson, Ph.D.

2014 Social Work State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
Social Work, Women's Studies, Theory and Methods
"Bincy Wilson"


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Barbara Rittner grad student 2014 SUNY Buffalo
 (A long walk to freedom: An examination of the process of exit among women from commercial sexual exploitation across cultures.)
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Wilson B, Nochajski TH. (2017) On the Continuum of Exit: Understanding the Stages of Change Among Women in Commercial Sexual Exploitation Gender Issues. 35: 98-112
Wilson B, Nochajski TH. (2016) Predictors of Readiness to Exit Commercial Sexual Exploitation Among Women in India and the U.S. Dignity: a Journal On Sexual Exploitation and Violence. 1: 7
Wilson B, Critelli FM, Rittner BA. (2015) Transnational responses to commercial sexual exploitation: A comprehensive review of interventions Women's Studies International Forum. 48: 71-80
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