Gary J. Castrogiovanni

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, United States 
Management Business Administration, Organizational
"Gary Castrogiovanni"
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Madanoglu M, Castrogiovanni GJ, Kizildag M. (2019) Franchising and firm risk among restaurants International Journal of Hospitality Management. 83: 236-246
Castrogiovanni GJ. (2018) Guest editor’s introduction: so what is entrepreneurship research? International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 14: 509-511
Kloepfer K, Castrogiovanni GJ. (2018) Entrepreneurship: venture creation subprocesses, subdomains, and interfaces International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 14: 681-696
Madanoglu M, Castrogiovanni GJ. (2018) Franchising proportion and network failure Small Business Economics. 50: 697-715
Lortie J, Castrogiovanni GJ, Cox KC. (2017) Gender, social salience, and social performance: how women pursue and perform in social ventures Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 29: 155-173
Stewart SA, Castrogiovanni GJ, Hudson BA. (2016) A foot in both camps: role identity and entrepreneurial orientation in professional service firms International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research. 22: 718-744
Castrogiovanni G, Ribeiro-Soriano D, Mas-Tur A, et al. (2016) Where to acquire knowledge: Adapting knowledge management to financial institutions Journal of Business Research. 69: 1812-1816
Knoche H“, Castrogiovanni GJ. (2015) The Effects of Informal Social Structures: A Cognition–Structure–Action Approach Organization Management Journal. 12: 139-152
Madanoglu M, Lee K, Castrogiovanni GJ. (2013) Does franchising pay? Evidence from the restaurant industry Service Industries Journal. 33: 1003-1025
Fanimokun AO, Castrogiovanni G, Peterson MF. (2012) Developing High-Tech Ventures: Entrepreneurs, Advisors, and the Use of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. 25: 103-119
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