Robert A. Wiggins

Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI, United States 
Curriculum and Instruction Education, Instructional Design Education, Organization Theory
"Robert Wiggins"
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Wiggins RA, Follo EJ, Eberly MB. (2007) The Impact of a Field Immersion Program on Pre-Service Teachers' Attitudes toward Teaching in Culturally Diverse Classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education. 23: 653-663
Eberly MB, Newton SE, Wiggins RA. (2001) The Syllabus As A Tool For Student-Centered Learning The Journal of General Education. 50: 56-74
Wiggins RA, Follo EJ. (1999) Development of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Commitment to Teach Diverse Student Populations Journal of Teacher Education. 50: 94-105
Wiggins RA, Clift RT. (1995) Oppositional Pairs: Unresolved Conflicts in Student Teaching. Action in Teacher Education. 17: 9-19
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