David Hirschel

University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, United States 
Criminology and Penology, Individual and Family Studies, Theory and Methods
"David Hirschel"
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Clarke K, Hirschel D, McCormack PD. (2023) Exceptional Clearances, "Real" Cases of Intimate Partner Violence, and Mandatory Arrest Laws. Violence Against Women. 10778012231186817
Hirschel D, McCormack PD. (2020) Same-Sex Couples and the Police: A 10-Year Study of Arrest and Dual Arrest Rates in Responding to Incidents of Intimate Partner Violence. Violence Against Women. 1077801220920378
Hirschel D, McCormack PD, Buzawa E. (2017) A 10-Year Study of the Impact of Intimate Partner Violence Primary Aggressor Laws on Single and Dual Arrest. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260517739290
Hirschel D, Deveau L. (2016) The Impact of Primary Aggressor Laws on Single Versus Dual Arrest in Incidents of Intimate Partner Violence. Violence Against Women
Hirschel D, Buzawa ES. (2013) The impact of offenders leaving the scene on the police decision to arrest in cases of intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women. 19: 1079-103
McLaughry C, Chang B, Kirsten C, et al. (2013) Severity of injury and the decision to arrest in cases of intimate partner violence. Medicine, Science, and the Law. 53: 24-8
Pattavina A, Hirschel D, Scearbo M. (2013) Reliability in NIBRS Reporting of Substance Use in Incidents of Intimate Partner Violence Justice Research and Policy. 15: 21-42
Hirschel D. (2012) The benefits of more "victim-focused" coordinated community responses to intimate partner violence: a critique of "The impact of victim-focused outreach on criminal legal system outcomes following police-reported intimate partner abuse," by Anne P. DePrince, Joanne Belknap, Jennifer S. Labus, Susan E. Buckingham, and Angela R. Gover. Violence Against Women. 18: 897-905; discussion
Hirschel D, Hutchison I. (2011) Unraveling the relative contributions of his, her, and their drinking to the likelihood of arrest in intimate partner violence cases. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 26: 3050-79
Cullinane DM, Hirschel D, Buzawa E, et al. (2009) Offender-victim body mass ratio and the decision to arrest in cases of intimate partner violence. Medicine, Science, and the Law. 49: 200-6
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