Paul A. Estabrooks
Affiliations: | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States |
Public Health, Public and Social Welfare, Policy EducationGoogle:
"Paul Estabrooks"Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add mentorBert V. Carron | grad student | 1999 | The University of Western Ontario (Canada) (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add traineeCourtney A. Robert | grad student | 2010 | Virginia Tech |
Amy N. Thayer | grad student | 2010 | Virginia Tech |
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Reilly KL, Kennedy S, Porter G, et al. (2020) Comparing, Contrasting, and Integrating Dissemination and Implementation Outcomes Included in the RE-AIM and Implementation Outcomes Frameworks. Frontiers in Public Health. 8: 430 |
Michaud TL, Estabrooks PA, You W, et al. (2020) Sustaining the reach of a scalable weight loss intervention through financial incentives - a pragmatic, online randomized trial protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 106142 |
Harden SM, Steketee A, Glasgow T, et al. (2020) Suggestions for Advancing Pragmatic Solutions for Dissemination: Potential Updates to Evidence-Based Repositories. American Journal of Health Promotion : Ajhp. 890117120934619 |
Wilson KE, Estabrooks PA. (2020) Physical Activity Promotion Message Perceptions Biased by Motivational Dispositions. Applied Psychology. Health and Well-Being |
Chen Y, Porter KJ, You W, et al. (2020) A Health/Media Literacy Intervention Improves Adults' Interpretations of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Advertising. The Journal of Media Literacy Education. 12: 70-83 |
Miller KA, Hill-Polerecky D, Koll T, et al. (2020) From Surviving to Thriving: Older Adults Adapting and Coping after Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 26 |
Reed JR, Dinkel D, Bice MR, et al. (2019) Perceptions of participants and staff of implementing a physical activity program in rural primary care. Evaluation and Program Planning. 79: 101772 |
Kwan BM, McGinnes HL, Ory MG, et al. (2019) RE-AIM in the Real World: Use of the RE-AIM Framework for Program Planning and Evaluation in Clinical and Community Settings. Frontiers in Public Health. 7: 345 |
Reed JR, Estabrooks P, Pozehl B, et al. (2019) Effectiveness of the 5A's Model for Changing Physical Activity Behaviors in Rural Adults Recruited From Primary Care Clinics. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 1-9 |
Porter KJ, Brock DJ, Estabrooks PA, et al. (2019) SIPsmartER delivered through rural, local health districts: adoption and implementation outcomes. Bmc Public Health. 19: 1273 |