Joanna Endter-Wada

Environment and Society Utah State University, Logan, UT, United States 
Environmental Management, Public and Social Welfare, Water Resource Management
"Joanna Endter-Wada"
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Barnett MJ, Jackson-Smith D, Endter-Wada J, et al. (2020) A multilevel analysis of the drivers of household water consumption in a semi-arid region. The Science of the Total Environment. 712: 136489
Endter-Wada J, Kettenring KM, Sutton-Grier A. (2020) Protecting wetlands for people: Strategic policy action can help wetlands mitigate risks and enhance resilience Environmental Science & Policy. 108: 37-44
Barnett MJ, Jackson-Smith D, Endter-Wada J. (2019) Implications of Nontraditional Housing Arrangements for Urban Water Management in the United States Intermountain West Society & Natural Resources. 32: 508-529
Li E, Endter-Wada J, Li S. (2019) Dynamics of Utah's agricultural landscapes in response to urbanization: A comparison between irrigated and non-irrigated agricultural lands Applied Geography. 105: 58-72
Welsh LW, Endter-Wada J. (2017) Policy Debates over the Southern Nevada Water Authority Groundwater Development Project: Beneficial Uses of Water in a Desert Journal of the Southwest. 59: 302-337
Flint CG, Dai X, Jackson-Smith D, et al. (2017) Social and Geographic Contexts of Water Concerns in Utah Society & Natural Resources. 30: 885-902
Burnham M, Ma Z, Endter-Wada J, et al. (2016) Water Management Decision Making in the Face of Multiple Forms of Uncertainty and Risk Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 52: 1366-1384
Li E, Li S, Endter-Wada J. (2016) Water-smart growth planning: linking water and land in the arid urbanizing American West Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 1-17
Li E, Endter-Wada J, Li S. (2015) Characterizing and Contextualizing the Water Challenges of Megacities Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 51: 589-613
Glenn DT, Endter-Wada J, Kjelgren R, et al. (2015) Tools for evaluating and monitoring effectiveness of urban landscape water conservation interventions and programs Landscape and Urban Planning. 139: 82-93
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