Jean Poitras

Human Resources HEC Montreal (Canada) 
Industrial and Labor Relations, Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration
"Jean Poitras"
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Poitras J, Hill K, Hamel V, et al. (2015) Managerial mediation competency: A mixed-method study Negotiation Journal. 31: 105-129
Hill K, Chênevert D, Poitras J. (2015) Changes in relationship conflict as a mediator of the longitudinal relationship between changes in role ambiguity and turnover intentions International Journal of Conflict Management. 26: 44-67
Poitras J. (2013) The strategic use of caucus to facilitate parties' trust in mediators International Journal of Conflict Management. 24: 23-39
Raines SS, Kumar Pokhrel S, Poitras J. (2013) Mediation as a Profession: Challenges That Professional Mediators Face Conflict Resolution Quarterly. 31: 79-97
Poitras J. (2012) Meta‐analysis of the impact of the research setting on conflict studies International Journal of Conflict Management. 23: 116-132
Stimec A, Guillotreau P, Poitras J. (2011) Ripeness and Grief in Conflict Analysis Group Decision and Negotiation. 20: 489-507
Poitras J, Stimec A, Roberge J. (2010) The Negative Impact of Attorneys on Mediation Outcomes: A Myth or a Reality? Negotiation Journal. 26: 9-24
Poitras J. (2010) Mediation: depolarizing responsibilities to facilitate reconciliation International Journal of Conflict Management. 21: 4-19
Stuhlmacher AF, Poitras J. (2010) Gender and Job Role Congruence: A Field Study of Trust in Labor Mediators Sex Roles. 63: 489-499
Poitras J, Tareau AL. (2009) Quantifying the Quality of Mediation Agreements Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2: 363-380
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