Robb Travers

Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada) 
Public and Social Welfare, Social Psychology, American Studies, Canadian Studies
"Robb Travers"
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Armstrong E, Coleman T, Lewis NM, et al. (2020) Travelling for sex, attending gay-specific venues, and HIV-related sexual risk among men who have sex with men in Ontario, Canada Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
Lemay KR, McKie RM, Braham J, et al. (2020) Framing gay men’s sexual relationships: A rapid review of the literature from 2011–2018 Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 29: 127-137
Fante-Coleman T, Wilson CL, Marcotte AA, et al. (2019) Influences of sexual behaviors and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS among heterosexual ACB youth living in Windsor, Ontario: Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 36: 3515-3536
Munro L, Marshall Z, Bauer G, et al. (2017) (Dis)integrated Care: Barriers to Health Care Utilization for Trans Women Living With HIV. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in Aids Care : Janac. 28: 708-722
Loehle B, McKie RM, Levere D, et al. (2017) Predictors of men's genital self-image across sexual orientation and geographic region Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 26: 130-141
Scheim AI, Travers R. (2016) Barriers and facilitators to HIV and sexually transmitted infections testing for gay, bisexual, and other transgender men who have sex with men. Aids Care. 1-6
Scheim AI, Bauer GR, Travers R. (2016) HIV-related sexual risk among transgender men who are gay, bisexual, or have sex with men. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (1999)
Liboro RM, Travers R. (2016) Fundamental researcher attributes: Reflections on ways to facilitate participation in Community Psychology doctoral dissertation research Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. 9: 145-158
Klein K, Holtby A, Cook K, et al. (2015) Complicating the coming out narrative: becoming oneself in a heterosexist and cissexist world. Journal of Homosexuality. 62: 297-326
Holtby A, Klein K, Cook K, et al. (2015) To be seen or not to be seen: Photovoice, queer and trans youth, and the dilemma of representation Action Research. 13: 317-335
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