Eugene J. McCann

Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada 
Geography, Theory and Methods, Ethnic and Racial Studies
"Eugene McCann"
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Rogers D, Herbert M, Whitzman C, et al. (2020) The City Under COVID-19: Podcasting As Digital Methodology. Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie = Journal of Economic and Social Geography = Revue De Geographie Economique Et Humaine = Zeitschrift Fur Okonomische Und Soziale Geographie = Revista De Geografia Economica Y Social
Baker T, McCann E, Temenos C. (2020) Into the ordinary: non-elite actors and the mobility of harm reduction policies Policy and Society. 39: 129-145
Baker T, McCann E. (2018) Beyond failure: the generative effects of unsuccessful proposals for Supervised Drug Consumption Sites (SCS) in Melbourne, Australia Urban Geography. 1-19
McCann E. (2017) Mobilities, politics, and the future: Critical geographies of green urbanism: Environment and Planning A. 49: 1816-1823
McCann E. (2017) Governing urbanism: Urban governance studies 1.0, 2.0 and beyond: Urban Studies. 54: 312-326
McCann E. (2017) Resilience in the post-welfare inner city: voluntary sector geographies in London, Los Angeles and Sydney by Geoffery DeVerteuil, Bristol, Policy Press, 2016, 300 pp., US$45.95 (paperback), ISBN 1447316649 Urban Geography. 38: 626-628
Longhurst A, McCann E. (2016) Political struggles on a frontier of harm reduction drug policy: geographies of constrained policy mobility Space and Polity. 20: 109-123
Baker T, Smith MP, Roy A, et al. (2016) Reading Jamie Peck and Nik Theodore's Fast Policy: Experimental Statecraft at the Thresholds of Neoliberalism Political Geography. 53: 89-99
McCann E, Temenos C. (2015) Mobilizing Drug Consumption Rooms: inter-place networks and harm reduction drug policy. Health & Place. 31: 216-23
Mccann E, Ward K. (2015) Thinking Through Dualisms in Urban Policy Mobilities International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 39: 828-830
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