Michael N. Karim, Ph.D.

2015 Organizational Sciences and Communication (I/O Psyc) The George Washington University, Washington, DC, United States 
Social Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
"Michael Karim"


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Tara S. Behrend grad student 2015 The George Washington University
 (Electronic Monitoring and Self-Regulation: Effects of Monitoring Purpose on Goal State, Feedback Perceptions, and Learning.)
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Howardson GN, Karim MN, Horn RG. (2017) The Latent Change Score Model: A More Flexible Approach to Modeling Time in Self-Regulated Learning Journal of Business and Psychology. 32: 317-334
Karim MN, Willford JC, Behrend TS. (2015) Big Data, Little Individual: Considering the Human Side of Big Data Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 8: 527-533
Karim MN, Kaminsky SE, Behrend TS. (2014) Cheating, Reactions, and Performance in Remotely Proctored Testing: An Exploratory Experimental Study Journal of Business and Psychology. 29: 555-572
Karim MN, Behrend TS. (2014) Reexamining the Nature of Learner Control: Dimensionality and Effects on Learning and Training Reactions Journal of Business and Psychology. 29: 87-99
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