Anna Zimdars

2007 University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
"Anna Zimdars"
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Heath A, Sullivan A, Boliver V, et al. (2013) Education under New Labour, 1997–2010 Oxford Review of Economic Policy. 29: 227-247
Mellanby J, Zimdars A, Cortina-Borja M. (2013) Sex differences in degree performance at the University of Oxford Learning and Individual Differences. 26: 103-111
Zimdars A. (2010) The profile of pupil barristers at the Bar of England and Wales 2004–2008 International Journal of the Legal Profession. 17: 117-134
Sullivan A, Zimdars A, Heath A. (2010) The Social Structure of the 14-16 Curriculum in England. International Studies in Sociology of Education. 20: 5-21
Zimdars A. (2010) Fairness and undergraduate admission: a qualitative exploration of admissions choices at the University of Oxford Oxford Review of Education. 36: 307-323
Zimdars A, Sullivan A, Heath A. (2009) Elite Higher Education Admissions in the Arts and Sciences: Is Cultural Capital the Key? Sociology. 43: 648-666
Ogg T, Zimdars A, Heath A. (2009) Schooling effects on degree performance: a comparison of the predictive validity of aptitude testing and secondary school grades at Oxford University British Educational Research Journal. 35: 781-807
Andersen R, Zimdars A. (2003) Class, education and extreme party support in Germany, 1991–98 German Politics. 12: 1-23
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