Tage Alalehto

Sociology Umeå University, Umeå, Västerbottens län, Sweden 
"Tage Alalehto"
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Alalehto T. (2018) The Origin of White Collar Criminality? : Exploring a Gene x Environment Interaction Hypothesis International Journal of Criminology and Sociology. 7: 196-205
Alalehto T. (2018) The logic of agency or the logic of structure in the concept of white collar crime : a review Crime Law and Social Change. 69: 385-399
Alalehto T, Azarian R. (2018) When white collar criminals turn to fatal violence: The impact of narcissism and psychopathy Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. 15: 215-226
Azarian R, Alalehto T. (2014) Patterns in Account-Giving among White Collar Criminals Deviant Behavior. 35: 101-115
Larsson D, Alalehto T. (2013) The Reaction Towards White Collar Crime: When White Collar Crime Matters The Open Criminology Journal. 6: 1-9
Alalehto T, Larsson D. (2009) The Roots of Modern White-Collar Crime: Does the Modern Form of White-Collar Crime have its Foundation in the Transition from a Society Dominated by Agriculture to One Dominated by Industry? Critical Criminology. 17: 183-193
Alalehto T. (2003) Economic crime: does personality matter? International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 47: 335-55
Alalehto T. (2000) The Act of Economic Crime : The Logic of Dirty Business and Normative Restrictions in the Swedish Restaurant Industry Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention. 1: 156-177
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