Signe Svallfors

Stockholm University, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden 
"Signe Svallfors"
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Svallfors S, Båge K, Ekström AM, et al. (2024) Armed conflict, insecurity, and attitudes toward women's and girls' reproductive autonomy in Nigeria. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 348: 116777
Svallfors S. (2023) Reproductive Justice in the Colombian Armed Conflict. Disasters
Svallfors S. (2021) Contraceptive choice as risk reduction? The relevance of local violence for women's uptake of sterilization in Colombia. Population Studies. 1-20
Svallfors S. (1991) The politics of welfare policy in Sweden: structural determinants and attitudinal cleavages. The British Journal of Sociology. 42: 609-34
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