Wei Yu

2018 Entrepreneurship & Emerging Enterprises Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States 
"Wei Yu"
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Miller D, Wiklund J, Yu W. (2020) Mental Health in the Family Business: A Conceptual Model and a Research Agenda: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 44: 55-80
Ye Y, Yu W, Nason R. (2020) Performance Feedback Persistence: Comparative Effects of Historical Versus Peer Performance Feedback on Innovative Search: Journal of Management. 14920632091622
Yu W, Wiklund J, Prez-Luo A. (2019) ADHD Symptoms, Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), and Firm Performance: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 104225871989298
Nason RS, Wiklund J, McKelvie A, et al. (2019) Orchestrating boundaries: The effect of R&D boundary permeability on new venture growth Journal of Business Venturing. 34: 63-79
Yu W, Minniti M, Nason R. (2019) Underperformance duration and innovative search: Evidence from the high‐tech manufacturing industry Southern Medical Journal. 40: 836-861
Wiklund J, Yu W, Patzelt H. (2017) Impulsivity and Entrepreneurial Action Academy of Management Perspectives. 32: 379-403
Wiklund J, Yu W, Tucker R, et al. (2017) ADHD, impulsivity and entrepreneurship Journal of Business Venturing. 32: 627-656
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