Marie-Pierre St-Onge

Medicine Columbia University Medical Center, New York 
"Marie-Pierre St-Onge"
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St-Onge MP, Zuraikat FM, Neilson M. (2023) Exploring the Role of Dairy Products In Sleep Quality: From Population Studies to Mechanistic Evaluations. Advances in Nutrition (Bethesda, Md.). 14: 283-294
Lucchini M, Zuraikat FM, St-Onge MP. (2022) Interrelationships Between Sleep, Obesity, and Glycemic Control in Children. Journal of the Endocrine Society. 7: bvac164
Makarem N, Castro-Diehl C, St-Onge MP, et al. (2022) Redefining Cardiovascular Health to Include Sleep: Prospective Associations With Cardiovascular Disease in the MESA Sleep Study. Journal of the American Heart Association. 11: e025252
McAlpine CS, Kiss MG, Zuraikat FM, et al. (2022) Sleep exerts lasting effects on hematopoietic stem cell function and diversity. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 219
Makarem N, Zuraikat FM, Caceres B, et al. (2022) Variable Eating Patterns: A Potential Novel Risk Factor for Systemic Inflammation in Women. Annals of Behavioral Medicine : a Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine
Makarem N, Sears DD, St-Onge MP, et al. (2021) Variability in Daily Eating Patterns and Eating Jetlag Are Associated With Worsened Cardiometabolic Risk Profiles in the American Heart Association Go Red for Women Strategically Focused Research Network. Journal of the American Heart Association. e022024
Zuraikat FM, Wood RA, Barragán R, et al. (2021) Sleep and Diet: Mounting Evidence of a Cyclical Relationship. Annual Review of Nutrition
Barragán R, Zuraikat FM, Tam V, et al. (2021) Actigraphy-Derived Sleep Is Associated with Eating Behavior Characteristics. Nutrients. 13
Makarem N, Zuraikat FM, Scaccia SE, et al. (2021) Sustained Mild Sleep Restriction Increases Blood Pressure in Women: An Update From the American Heart Association Go Red for Women Strategically Focused Research Network. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). HYPERTENSIONAHA12016
Zuraikat FM, St-Onge MP, Makarem N, et al. (2021) Evening Chronotype Is Associated with Poorer Habitual Diet in US Women, with Dietary Energy Density Mediating a Relation of Chronotype with Cardiovascular Health. The Journal of Nutrition
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