claes axel belfrage
Affiliations: | Queen Mary, University of London, London, England, United Kingdom |
International Political EconomyGoogle:
"claes belfrage"Parents
Sign in to add mentorMagnus Ryner | grad student | 2002-2008 | University of Birmingham |
Matthew g. watson | grad student | 2002-2008 | University of Birmingham |
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Belfrage CA, Kallifatides M. (2018) The politicisation of macroprudential regulation: The critical Swedish case Environment and Planning A. 50: 709-729 |
Belfrage C, Kallifatides M. (2018) Financialisation and the New Swedish Model Cambridge Journal of Economics. 42: 875-900 |
Belfrage C, Gammon E. (2017) Aesthetic International Political Economy Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 45: 223-232 |
Belfrage C, Hauf F. (2017) The Gentle Art of Retroduction: Critical Realism, Cultural Political Economy and Critical Grounded Theory: Organization Studies. 38: 251-271 |
Belfrage C. (2017) The unintended consequences of financialisation: Social democracy hamstrung? The pensions dilemma Economic & Industrial Democracy. 38: 701-722 |
Belfrage C. (2015) ‘Imagined recovery’ from the European crisis Competition and Change. 19: 87-94 |
Belfrage C, Bergmann E, Berry DM. (2015) A critique of neo-mercantilist analyses of Icelandic political economy and crisis Capital and Class. 39: 515-536 |
Belfrage CA, Hauf F. (2015) Operationalizing cultural political economy: towards critical grounded theory Journal of Organizational Ethnography. 4: 324-340 |
Belfrage C, Worth O. (2012) Critical international political economy: Renewing critique and ontologies International Politics. 49: 131-135 |
Belfrage C. (2012) For a critical engagement with aesthetics in IPE: Revitalizing economic imagination in times of crisis International Politics. 49: 154-176 |