Espen Aarseth,

Comparative Literature University of Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway 
Cybertext, new media, games
"Espen Aarseth"
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van Rooij AJ, Ferguson CJ, Colder Carras M, et al. (2018) A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err on the side of caution. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 1-9
Aarseth E, Bean AM, Boonen H, et al. (2016) Scholars' open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 Gaming Disorder proposal. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 1-4
Aarseth E. (2015) Meta-game studies Game Studies. 15
Aarseth E. (2013) Game history: A special issue Game Studies. 13
Aarseth E. (2012) A narrative theory of games Foundations of Digital Games 2012, Fdg 2012 - Conference Program. 129-133
Elverdam C, Aarseth E. (2007) Game classification and game design: Construction through critical analysis Games and Culture. 2: 3-22
Aarseth E. (2006) How we became postdigital: From cyberstudies to game studies Critical Cyberculture Studies. 37-46
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