Richard Simeon

Political Science University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Canadian and comparative politics, federalism
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Simeon R, Radin BA. (2010) Reflections on Comparing Federalisms: Canada and the United States Publius-the Journal of Federalism. 40: 357-365
Simeon R, Murray C. (2009) Reforming Multi-level Government in South Africa Canadian Journal of African Studies. 43: 536-571
Simeon R. (2008) Constitutional Design and Change in Federal Systems: Issues and Questions Publius-the Journal of Federalism. 39: 241-261
Murray C, Simeon R. (2007) Recognition without empowerment: Minorities in a democratic South Africa International Journal of Constitutional Law. 5: 699-729
Simeon R. (2002) Adaptability and change in federations International Social Science Journal. 53: 145-152
Cameron D, Simeon R. (2002) Intergovernmental Relations in Canada: The Emergence of Collaborative Federalism Publius-the Journal of Federalism. 32: 49-72
Simeon R, Murray C. (2001) Multi-Sphere Governance in South Africa: An Interim Assessment Publius-the Journal of Federalism. 31: 65-92
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