Brian M. Paciotti, Ph.D.

2002 University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Cultural evolution, Limnology
"Brian Paciotti"


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Peter J. Richerson grad student 2002 UC Davis
 (Cultural evolutionary theory and informal social control institutions: The Sungusungu of Tanzania and honor in the American South.)
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Baum WM, Paciotti B, Richerson P, et al. (2012) Cooperation due to cultural norms, not individual reputation. Behavioural Processes. 91: 90-3
Paciotti B, Richerson P, Baum B, et al. (2011) Are religious individuals more generous, trusting, and cooperative? An experimental test of the effect of religion on prosociality Research in Economic Anthropology. 31: 267-305
Efferson C, Richerson PJ, McElreath R, et al. (2007) Learning, productivity, and noise: an experimental study of cultural transmission on the Bolivian Altiplano Evolution and Human Behavior. 28: 11-17
Paciotti B, Richerson PJ, Boyd R. (2006) Cultural evolutionary theory: A synthetic theory for fragmented disciplines Bridging Social Psychology: Benefits of Transdisciplinary Approaches. 365-370
Paciotti B, Hadley C, Holmes C, et al. (2005) Grass-roots justice in Tanzania: Cultural evolution and game theory help to explain how a history of cooperation influences the success of social organizations American Scientist. 93: 58-65
Paciotti B. (2005) Homicide in Seattle's chinatown, 1900-19400: Evaluating the influence of social organizations Homicide Studies. 9: 229-255
McElreath R, Lubell M, Richerson PJ, et al. (2005) Applying evolutionary models to the laboratory study of social learning Evolution and Human Behavior. 26: 483-508
Paciotti B, Mulder MB. (2004) Sungusungu: The role of preexisting and evolving social institutions among Tanzanian vigilante organizations Human Organization. 63: 112-124
Baum WM, Richerson PJ, Efferson CM, et al. (2004) Cultural evolution in laboratory microsocieties including traditions of rule giving and rule following Evolution and Human Behavior. 25: 305-326
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