Dena Vallano

University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States 
Biogeochemistry, Stable Isotope Ecology
"Dena Vallano"
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Fenn ME, Bytnerowicz A, Schilling SL, et al. (2018) On-road emissions of ammonia: An underappreciated source of atmospheric nitrogen deposition. The Science of the Total Environment. 625: 909-919
Hernández DL, Vallano DM, Zavaleta ES, et al. (2016) Nitrogen Pollution Is Linked to US Listed Species Declines Bioscience. 66: 213-222
Vallano DM, Sparks JP. (2013) Foliar δ15N is affected by foliar nitrogen uptake, soil nitrogen, and mycorrhizae along a nitrogen deposition gradient. Oecologia. 172: 47-58
Vallano DM, Selmants PC, Zavaleta ES. (2012) Simulated nitrogen deposition enhances the performance of an exotic grass relative to native serpentine grassland competitors Plant Ecology. 213: 1015-1026
Tzankova Z, Vallano D, Zavaleta E. (2011) Can the ESA address the threats of atmospheric nitrogen deposition? insights from the case of the Bay Checkerspot Butterfly Harvard Environmental Law Review. 35: 433-475
Vallano DM, Sparks JP. (2008) Quantifying foliar uptake of gaseous nitrogen dioxide using enriched foliar delta15N values. The New Phytologist. 177: 946-55
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