Thomas Park

University of Chicago University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Population ecology
"Thomas Park"
Cross-listing: Marine Ecology Tree - Evolution Tree


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Warder Clyde Allee grad student 1932 Chicago (Marine Ecology Tree)
Sewall Wright grad student 1932 Chicago (FlyTree)
Raymond Pearl post-doc Johns Hopkins (Marine Ecology Tree)


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LaMont C. Cole grad student Chicago
Michael J. Wade grad student Chicago (Evolution Tree)
Peter W. Frank grad student 1951 Chicago (Marine Ecology Tree)
Earl R. Rich grad student 1954 Chicago (Evolution Tree)
Kenneth E.F. Watt grad student 1954 Chicago (Evolution Tree)
Monte Lloyd grad student 1957 Chicago (Evolution Tree)
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Allee WC, Park T. (1939) CONCERNING ECOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES. Science (New York, N.Y.). 89: 166-9
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