Zsofia Szendrei, Ph.D.

2005 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Entomology Biology
"Zsofia Szendrei"


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Rufus Isaacs grad student 2005 Michigan State
 (Potential for behavioral and cultural manipulation of Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica Newman, Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) populations.)
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Constancio N, Higgins D, Hausbeck M, et al. (2023) Managing insect and plant pathogen pests with organic and conventional pesticides in onions. Journal of Economic Entomology
Appenfeller LR, Brainard DC, Hayden ZD, et al. (2022) Beneficial and Pest Arthropod Responses to Tillage and Cover Crop Residues in Organic Cucurbits. Environmental Entomology
Walters J, Zavalnitskaya J, Isaacs R, et al. (2022) Heat of the moment: extreme heat poses a risk to bee-plant interactions and crop yields. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 52: 100927
Hauri KC, Szendrei Z. (2022) A Meta-analysis of Interactions Between Insect Herbivores and Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Environmental Entomology. 51: 1-10
Stillson PT, Szendrei Z. (2020) Identifying Leafhopper Targets for Controlling Aster Yellows in Carrots and Celery. Insects. 11
Lund M, Brainard DC, Coudron T, et al. (2020) Predation threat modifies Pieris rapae performance and response to host plant quality. Oecologia
Stillson PT, Bloom EH, Illán JG, et al. (2020) A novel plant pathogen management tool for vector management. Pest Management Science
Appenfeller LR, Lloyd S, Szendrei Z. (2020) Citizen science improves our understanding of the impact of soil management on wild pollinator abundance in agroecosystems. Plos One. 15: e0230007
Wood TJ, Kaplan I, Zhang Y, et al. (2019) Honeybee dietary neonicotinoid exposure is associated with pollen collection from agricultural weeds. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 286: 20190989
Grode AS, Brisco-McCann E, Wiriyajitsonboom P, et al. (2019) Managing Onion Thrips can Limit Bacterial Stalk and Leaf Necrosis in Michigan Onion Fields. Plant Disease. 103: 938-943
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