Michelle E. Gadd, Ph.D.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
"Michelle Gadd"


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Truman Post Young grad student 1995-2003 UC Davis
 (Ecology and conservation of elephants in African rangelands.)
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Ogada DL, Gadd ME, Ostfeld RS, et al. (2008) Impacts of large herbivorous mammals on bird diversity and abundance in an African savanna. Oecologia. 156: 387-97
Gadd ME. (2005) Conservation outside of parks: Attitudes of local people in Laikipia, Kenya Environmental Conservation. 32: 50-63
Young TP, Palmer TM, Gadd ME. (2005) Competition and compensation among cattle, zebras, and elephants in a semi-arid savanna in Laikipia, Kenya Biological Conservation. 122: 351-359
Gadd ME, Young TP, Palmer TM. (2001) Effects of simulated shoot and leaf herbivory on vegetative growth and plant defense in Acacia drepanolobium Oikos. 92: 515-521
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