Bronwen Stanford

Environmental Studies University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States 
"Bronwen Stanford"
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Stanford B, Holl KD, Herbst DB, et al. (2019) In‐stream habitat and macroinvertebrate responses to riparian corridor length in rangeland streams Restoration Ecology. 28: 173-184
Stanford B, Jones H, Zavaleta E. (2018) Meta-analysis of the effects of upstream land cover on stream recovery. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology
Stanford B, Zavaleta E, Millard-Ball A. (2018) Where and why does restoration happen? Ecological and sociopolitical influences on stream restoration in coastal California Biological Conservation. 221: 219-227
Benotti MJ, Stanford BD, Snyder SA. (2010) Impact of drought on wastewater contaminants in an urban water supply. Journal of Environmental Quality. 39: 1196-200
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