Ronald S. Gross

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
"Ronald Gross"
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Zimmerman M, Gross RS. (1984) The Relationship Between Flowering Phenology and Seed Set in an Herbaceous Perennial Plant, Polemonium foliosissimum Gray American Midland Naturalist. 111: 185
Gross RS, Werner PA. (1983) Probabilities of Survival and Reproduction Relative to Rosette Size in the Common Burdock (Arctium minus: Compositae) American Midland Naturalist. 109: 184
Gross RS, Werner PA. (1983) Relationships among Flowering Phenology, Insect Visitors, and Seed‐Set of Individuals: Experimental Studies on Four Co‐occurring Species of Goldenrod (Solidago: Compositae) Ecological Monographs. 53: 95-117
Werner PA, Gross RS, Bradbury IK. (1980) THE BIOLOGY OF CANADIAN WEEDS.: 45. Solidago canadensis L. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 60: 1393-1409
Gross RS, Werner PA, Hawthorn WR. (1980) The biology of Canadian weeds. 38. Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. and A. lappa L. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 60: 621-634
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