Josephine C Lesage

2014- Environmental Studies University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States 
"Josephine Lesage"
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Lesage JC, Hayes GF, Holl KD. (2022) Native annual forbs decline in California coastal prairies over 15 years despite grazing. Plos One. 17: e0278608
Lesage JC, Howard EA, Holl KD. (2018) Homogenizing biodiversity in restoration: the “perennialization” of California prairies Restoration Ecology. 26: 1061-1065
Emery N, Lesage J. (2017) Correction to “Late Summer Fog Use in the Drought Deciduous Shrub, Artemisia californica (Asteraceae)” MadroñO. 64: 111-112
Emery N, Lesage J. (2015) Late Summer Fog Use In The Drought Deciduous Shrub, Artemisia californica (Asteraceae) MadroñO. 62: 150-157
Bouley P, Calle A, Crandall SG, et al. (2015) Large-Scale Forest Restoration Restoration Ecology
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