Nishant Kumar

University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
Urban ecology, animal behaviour, cities, raptors, waste management, biodiversity conservation
"Nishant Kumar"


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Andrew G Gosler grad student 2014-2019 University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Ben Sheldon post-doc 2019- Oxford (Evolution Tree)
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Kumar N, Gupta U, Jhala YV, et al. (2020) GPS-telemetry unveils the regular high-elevation crossing of the Himalayas by a migratory raptor: implications for definition of a "Central Asian Flyway". Scientific Reports. 10: 15988
Kumar N, Gupta U, Malhotra H, et al. (2019) The population density of an urban raptor is inextricably tied to human cultural practices. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 286: 20182932
Kumar N, Jhala YV, Qureshi Q, et al. (2019) Human-attacks by an urban raptor are tied to human subsidies and religious practices. Scientific Reports. 9: 2545
Kumar N, Qureshi Q, Jhala YV, et al. (2018) Offspring defense by an urban raptor responds to human subsidies and ritual animal-feeding practices. Plos One. 13: e0204549
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