Jeffrey P Stephens, Ph.D./M.D.

Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI, United States 
developmental biology, disease ecology, ecosystems ecology, orthopaedics
"Jeffrey Stephens"


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Dean G McCurdy research assistant 2005-2009 Albion College
Keith A Berven grad student 2009-2015 Oakland University
Scott Tiegs grad student 2009-2015 Oakland University (Geotree)
Thomas Raffel grad student 2013-2015 Oakland University (Microtree)
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Stephens JP, Altman KA, Berven KA, et al. (2016) Bottom-up and trait-mediated effects of resource quality on amphibian parasitism. The Journal of Animal Ecology
Stephens JP, Stoler AB, Sckrabulis JP, et al. (2016) Ontogenetic changes in sensitivity to nutrient limitation of tadpole growth. Oecologia
Altman KA, Paull SH, Johnson PT, et al. (2016) Host and parasite thermal acclimation responses depend on the stage of infection. The Journal of Animal Ecology
Stephens JP, Berven KA, Tiegs SD, et al. (2015) Ecological stoichiometry quantitatively predicts responses of tadpoles to a food quality gradient Ecology. 96: 2070-2076
Stoler AB, Stephens JP, Relyea RA, et al. (2015) Leaf litter resource quality induces morphological changes in wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) metamorphs. Oecologia. 179: 667-77
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