Aaron Stalnaker

Religious Studies Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
General, Asian Studies, Asia
"Aaron Stalnaker"
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Alimi T, Antus EL, Balthrop-Lewis A, et al. (2020) COVID-19 and Religious Ethics. The Journal of Religious Ethics. 48: 349-387
Stalnaker A. (2019) The Innocuous Legacy of Christian Ethics in Comparative Religious Ethics Journal of Religious Ethics. 47: 778-780
Stalnaker A. (2016) In Defense of Ritual Propriety European Journal For the Philosophy of Religion. 8: 117-141
Bucar EM, Stalnaker A. (2014) On comparative religious ethics as a field of study Journal of Religious Ethics. 42: 358-384
Stalnaker A. (2013) Confucianism, Democracy, and the Virtue of Deference Dao. 12: 441-459
Stalnaker A. (2012) XUNZI'S MORAL ANALYSIS OF WAR AND SOME OF ITS CONTEMPORARY IMPLICATIONS Journal of Military Ethics. 11: 97-113
Stalnaker A. (2012) Mastery, Authority, and Hierarchy in the “Inner Chapters” of the Zhuāngzǐ Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 95: 255-283
Stalnaker A. (2010) Virtue as mastery in early confucianism Journal of Religious Ethics. 38: 404-428
Stalnaker A. (2008) Judging others: History, ethics, and the purposes of comparison Journal of Religious Ethics. 36: 425-444
Stalnaker A. (2008) The Politics of Mourning in Early China. By Miranda Brown Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 76: 1039-1043
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