Norman Gysbers

University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO, United States 
Counseling Psychology, General Religion, Theology
"Norman Gysbers"
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Yuen M, Gysbers NC, Chan RMC, et al. (2010) Talent development, work habits, and career exploration of Chinese middle-school adolescents: Development of the career and talent development self-efficacy scale High Ability Studies. 21: 47-62
Nyutu PN, Gysbers NC. (2008) Assessing the counselling needs of high school students in Kenya International Journal For Educational and Vocational Guidance. 8: 83-94
Multon KD, Wood R, Heppner MJ, et al. (2007) A cluster-analytic investigation of subtypes of adult career counseling clients: Toward a taxonomy of career problems Journal of Career Assessment. 15: 66-86
Eunjoo Y, Gysbers NC. (2007) Career transitions of college seniors Career Development Quarterly. 56: 157-170
Multon KD, Ellis-Kalton CA, Heppner MJ, et al. (2003) The relationship between counselor verbal response modes and the working alliance in career counseling Career Development Quarterly. 51: 259-273
Multon KD, Heppner MJ, Gysbers NC, et al. (2001) Client psychological distress: An important factor in career counseling Career Development Quarterly. 49: 324-335
Heppner MJ, Multon KD, Gysbers NC, et al. (1998) The Relationship of Trainee Self-Efficacy to the Process and Outcome of Career Counseling Journal of Counseling Psychology. 45: 393-402
Lapan RT, Gysbers N, Hughey K, et al. (1993) Evaluating a Guidance and Language Arts Unit for High School Juniors Journal of Counseling and Development. 71: 444-451
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