Thomas R. Lindlof

University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
Mass Communications, General Religion, Black Studies
"Thomas Lindlof"
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Lindlof TR. (2002) Interpretive Community: An Approach to Media and Religion Journal of Media and Religion. 1: 61-74
Lindlof TR, Shatzer MJ. (1998) Media Ethnography in Virtual Space: Strategies, Limits, and Possibilities Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 42: 170-189
Lindlof TR. (1991) The qualitative study of media audiences Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 35: 23-42
Lindlof TR. (1986) Social and structural constraints on media use in incarceration Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 30: 341-355
Lindlof TR. (1982) A Fantasy Construct Of Television Viewing Communication Research. 9: 67-112
Lindlof TR, Copeland GA. (1982) Television Rules of Prepartum New Families Annals of the International Communication Association. 6: 555-582
Lindlof TR, Canning WR. (1980) Network News Coverage of the Broadcast Media. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 57: 333-338
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