Mitzi Schumacher

University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
Gerontology, Black Studies, Clergy Religion
"Mitzi Schumacher"
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Jacobs-Lawson JM, Schumacher MM, Wackerbarth SB. (2016) Age Differences in Information Use While Making Decisions: Resource Limitations or Processing Differences? International Journal of Aging & Human Development
Stansbury KL, Beecher B, Schumacher M, et al. (2015) Social service providers’ perspectives on casino gambling in older adult clients Journal of Gambling Issues. 57-72
Stansbury K, Schumacher M. (2008) An exploration of mental health literacy among African American clergy. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. 51: 126-42
Hughes T, Schumacher M, Jacobs-Lawson JM, et al. (2008) Confronting death: perceptions of a good death in adults with lung cancer. The American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care. 25: 39-44
Fernander A, Schumacher M, Nasim A. (2008) Sociocultural Stress, Smoking Risk, and Cessation Among African American Women Journal of Black Psychology. 34: 49-69
Fernander A, Schumacher M. (2008) An examination of socio‐culturally specific stress and coping factors on smoking status among African American women Stress and Health. 24: 365-374
Jacobs-Lawson JM, Schumacher MM, Webb A. (2007) Gender differences in predictors of late-life health insurance knowledge. Journal of Women & Aging. 19: 121-36
Stephens EC, Carswell CM, Schumacher MM. (2006) Evidence for an elders' advantage in the naive product usability judgments of older and younger adults. Human Factors. 48: 422-33
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