Abhijit S. Prabhughate, Ph.D.

2010 University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States 
Social Work, Mental Health, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Clinical Psychology
"Abhijit Prabhughate"


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Mark A. Mattaini grad student 2010 University of Illinois, Chicago
 (South Asian immigrants' mental health and use of health services.)
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Phatak AG, Nimbalkar SM, Prabhughate AS, et al. (2021) Comparison of knowledge and skills of Home-Based Newborn Care (HBNC) among Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) and health workers (SAKHI) of Ambuja Cement Foundation. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 10: 2865-2878
Prabhughate AS, Tiwari P, Sohoni S, et al. (2018) Surmounting difficulties to provide home based neonatal care - reflections of community health workers. Bmc Women's Health. 18: 17
Menon U, Szalacha LA, Prabhughate A. (2012) Breast and cervical cancer screening among South Asian immigrants in the United States. Cancer Nursing. 35: 278-87
Leathers SJ, McMeel LS, Prabhughate A, et al. (2009) Trends in Child Welfare's Focus on Children's Mental Health and Services from 1980-2004. Children and Youth Services Review. 31: 445-450
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