Robinder P. Bedi, Ph.D.

2004 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
Guidance and Counseling Education
"Robinder Bedi"


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Beth Haverkamp grad student 2004 UBC
 (Concept-mapping the client's perspective on counselling alliance formation.)
BETA: Related publications


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Bedi RP, Christiani KD, Sinacore AL. (2020) A survey of the characteristics and professional practices of members in the Canadian psychological association’s section on counselling psychology Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 33: 245-263
Bedi RP, Thomas PA, Sandhu D, et al. (2020) Survey of counselling psychologists in India Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 33: 100-120
Alexander AJ, Khera GS, Bedi RP. (2020) Bicultural Identity and Self-Construal in-Family Among Indian American Emerging Adults: A Mixed-Methods Study Journal of Adult Development. 1-14
Cardona B, Bedi RP, Crookston BJ. (2019) Choosing Love Over Tradition: Lived Experiences of Asian Indian Marriages: The Family Journal. 27: 278-286
Bedi RP, Christiani KD, Cohen JA. (2018) The future of Canadian counselling psychology: Doctoral students Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 31: 1-18
Bedi RP, Sinacore A, Christiani KD. (2016) Counselling Psychology in Canada Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 29: 150-162
Goodyear R, Lichtenberg J, Hutman H, et al. (2016) A global portrait of counselling psychologists’ characteristics, perspectives, and professional behaviors Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 1-24
Bedi RP. (2016) A Descriptive Examination of Canadian Counselling Psychology Doctoral Programs Canadian Psychology. 57: 83-91
Richards M, Bedi RP. (2015) Gaining perspective: How men describe incidents damaging the therapeutic alliance. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 16: 170-182
Bedi RP, Duff CT. (2014) Client as expert: A Delphi poll of clients' subjective experience of therapeutic alliance formation variables Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 27: 1-18
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