Recent additions to MPROTree: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Vahid Afshar-Kharghan (Info) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth cemdede 2022‑05‑13
Alex Augustyn (Info) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center fullercd 2020‑11‑24
Christopher James William Breward (Info) Oxford muddynat 2024‑01‑30
Lloyd F. Craver (Info) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer, Weill Cornell Medical College Nitrogen mustard chemotherapy, hematology, radiotherapy, lymphoma, leukemia fullercd 2020‑11‑23
Cem Dede (Info) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Radiation Oncology cemdede 2022‑05‑13
Chelsea Dunning (Info) University of Victoria madlab 2021‑09‑29
Andrée Dutreix (Info) Institut Curie fullercd 2020‑11‑23
Abdelkhalek Hammi (Info) Paul Scherrer Institut and ETH Zurich, Switzerland madpoot 2023‑08‑16
Traver G. Hart (Info) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center cemdede 2022‑05‑13
Rupleen Kaur (Info) Cleveland Clinic rupleenk 2024‑10‑16
Jahan Mohiuddin (Info) Penn Radiation oncology Jahanmohiuddin 2022‑12‑15
David E. Pettijohn (Info) CU Boulder, Stanford DNA Damage, radiotherapy, microbiology, biophysics fullercd 2020‑11‑25
Basil Proimos (Info) University of Patras, Greece, MIT, National Technical University of Athens Radiotherapy fullercd 2020‑11‑23
Jean-Claude Rosenwald (Info) Institut Curie Radiotherapy fullercd 2020‑11‑23
Travis C. Salzillo (Info) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center fullercd 2021‑11‑11
edo sawada (Info) pinerista xsakurai2023 2021‑04‑26
Gary L. Shultz (Info) University of Iowa/University of Texas MD Anderson Gary4848 2021‑01‑28
Maurice Tubiana (Info) Institut Curie Radiotherapy, Oncology fullercd 2020‑11‑23
Lisanne V Van Dijk (Info) UMC Groningen, MD Anderson Cancer Center Artificial Intelligence, Normal tissue toxicity, MAchine LEarning, PRediction modeling fullercd 2023‑06‑15
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