Camilla L. Nilsberth, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine | Linköping University, Linköping, Östergötlands län, Sweden |
Alzheimer's disease, inflammationGoogle:
"Camilla Nilsberth"Cross-listing: Neurotree
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Sackmann V, Ansell A, Sackmann C, et al. (2017) Anti-inflammatory (M2) macrophage media reduce transmission of oligomeric amyloid beta in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. Neurobiology of Aging |
Hamzic N, Tang Y, Eskilsson A, et al. (2013) Interleukin-6 primarily produced by non-hematopoietic cells mediates the lipopolysaccharide-induced febrile response. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 33: 123-30 |
Vasilache AM, Kugelberg U, Blomqvist A, et al. (2013) Minor changes in gene expression in the mouse preoptic hypothalamic region by inflammation-induced prostaglandin E2. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 25: 635-43 |
Hamzic N, Blomqvist A, Nilsberth C. (2013) Immune-induced expression of lipocalin-2 in brain endothelial cells: relationship with interleukin-6, cyclooxygenase-2 and the febrile response. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 25: 271-80 |
Nilsberth C, Hamzic N, Norell M, et al. (2009) Peripheral lipopolysaccharide administration induces cytokine mRNA expression in the viscera and brain of fever-refractory mice lacking microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 21: 715-21 |
Nilsberth C, Elander L, Hamzic N, et al. (2009) The role of interleukin-6 in lipopolysaccharide-induced fever by mechanisms independent of prostaglandin E2. Endocrinology. 150: 1850-60 |
Nilsberth C, Kostyszyn B, Luthman J. (2002) Changes in APP, PS1 and other factors related to Alzheimer's disease pathophysiology after trimethyltin-induced brain lesion in the rat. Neurotoxicity Research. 4: 625-636 |
Stenh C, Nilsberth C, Hammarbäck J, et al. (2002) The Arctic mutation interferes with processing of the amyloid precursor protein. Neuroreport. 13: 1857-60 |
Basun H, Nilsberth C, Eckman C, et al. (2002) Plasma levels of Abeta42 and Abeta40 in Alzheimer patients during treatment with the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor tacrine. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. 14: 156-60 |
Sennvik K, Nilsberth C, Stenh C, et al. (2002) The Arctic Alzheimer mutation enhances sensitivity to toxic stress in human neuroblastoma cells. Neuroscience Letters. 326: 51-5 |