Barry Chernoff

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Zoology Biology, Anatomy Biology
"Barry Chernoff"


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Paul M. Magwene grad student (Evolution Tree)
F. Keith Barker grad student 1993-1999 Chicago (Evolution Tree)
F. Keith Barker grad student 1993-1999 Chicago (Evolution Tree)
Rachel Collin grad student 2002 Chicago
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Chernoff B, Machado-Allison A, Escobedo J, et al. (2020) Two new miniature silverside fishes of the genus Membras Bonaparte (Atheriniformes, Atherinopsidae) from the Tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa. 4852: zootaxa.4852.2.4
Anatone K, Baumann Z, Mason RP, et al. (2020) Century-old mercury pollution: Evaluating the impacts on local fish from the eastern United States Chemosphere. 259: 127484
Nash CM, Kraczkowski ML, Chernoff B. (2017) Insight into the population structure of hardhead silverside, Atherinomorus stipes (Teleostei: Atherinidae), in Belize and the Florida Keys using nd2. Ecology and Evolution. 7: 9503-9517
Poulos HM, Chernoff B. (2016) Effects of Dam Removal on Fish Community Interactions and Stability in the Eightmile River System, Connecticut, USA. Environmental Management
Poulos HM, Miller KE, Kraczkowski ML, et al. (2014) Fish assemblage response to a small dam removal in the Eightmile River system, Connecticut, USA. Environmental Management. 54: 1090-101
Poulos HM, Chernoff B. (2014) Potential Range Expansion of the Invasive Red Shiner, Cyprinella lutrensis (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), under Future Climatic Change Open Journal of Ecology. 4: 554-564
Kraczkowski ML, Chernoff B. (2014) Molecular Phylogenetics of the Eastern and Western Blacknose Dace, Rhinichthys atratulus and R. obtusus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) Copeia. 2014: 325-338
Poulos HM, Chernoff B, Fuller PL, et al. (2012) Mapping the potential distribution of the invasive red shiner, cyprinella lutrensis (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) across waterways of the conterminous United States Aquatic Invasions. 7: 377-385
Poulos HM, Chernoff B, Fuller PL, et al. (2012) Ensemble forecasting of potential habitat for three invasive fishes Aquatic Invasions. 7: 59-72
Tipton ML, Gignoux-Wolfsohn S, Stonebraker P, et al. (2011) Postglacial recolonization of eastern Blacknose Dace,Rhinichthys atratulus(Teleostei: Cyprinidae), through the gateway of New England. Ecology and Evolution. 1: 343-58
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