Alan G. Fix

University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States 
Physical Anthropology, Medical and Forensic Anthropology, Anatomy Biology, Medicine and Surgery
"Alan Fix"
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Mielke JH, Fix AG. (2006) The confluence of anthropological genetics and anthropological demography Anthropological Genetics: Theory, Methods and Applications. 112-140
Fix AG. (2005) Rapid deployment of the five founding Amerind mtDNA haplogroups via coastal and riverine colonization. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 128: 430-6
Fix AG. (2004) Kin-structured migration: causes and consequences. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 16: 387-94
Fix AG. (2004) Human Population Dynamics: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives (review) Human Biology. 76: 161-163
Fix AG. (2003) Simulating hemoglobin history. Human Biology. 75: 607-18
Fix AG. (2002) Colonization models and initial genetic diversity in the Americas. Human Biology. 74: 1-10
Fix AG. (2000) Population dynamics of a Philippine rain forest people: The San Ildefonso Agta American Journal of Human Biology. 12: 714-715
Fix AG. (1997) Gene frequency clines produced by kin-structured founder effects Human Biology. 69: 663-673
Fix AG. (1996) Gene Frequency Clines In Europe: Demic Diffusion Or Natural Selection? Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 2: 625-643
FIX AG. (1995) Malayan Paleosociology: Implications for Patterns of Genetic Variation among the Orang Asli American Anthropologist. 97: 313-323
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