People added by freire: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Joao G. Franca (Info) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Comparative Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, Neuroanatomy, Evolution of the Central Nervous System freire 2008‑11‑24
Marco Aurelio M Freire (Info) Yale, State University of Rio Grande do Norte Comparative Neuromorphology, Experimental Neuropathology freire 2008‑11‑24
Joanilson S. Guimaraes (Info) Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Comparative Neuroanatomy, Experimental Neuropathology freire 2008‑11‑24
Ana Carla L. Nunes (Info) Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Neuroanatomy freire 2008‑11‑24
Jorge L F Oliveira (Info) Federal University of Para Neuroanatomy freire 2008‑11‑24
Antonio Pereira, Jr. (Info) ufrn Comparative Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology freire 2008‑11‑24
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