Kyle D Apley

2014-2018 Chemistry Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, United States 
 2018- Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
Organic Chemistry
"Kyle Apley"
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Duy Hua research assistant 2015-2018 Kansas State University
 (Undergraduate Research Assistant)
Cory Berkland grad student 2018- University of Kansas (BME Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Apley KD, Griffith AS, Downes GM, et al. (2023) CD22L Conjugation to Insulin Attenuates Insulin-Specific B Cell Activation. Bioconjugate Chemistry
Johnson SN, Brucks SD, Apley KD, et al. (2023) Multivalent Scaffolds to Promote B cell Tolerance. Molecular Pharmaceutics
Huang A, Kurhade SE, Ross P, et al. (2022) Disrupting N-Glycosylation Using Type I Mannosidase Inhibitors Alters B-Cell Receptor Signaling. Acs Pharmacology & Translational Science. 5: 1062-1069
Apley KD, Laflin AD, Johnson SN, et al. (2021) Optimized Production of Fc Fusion Proteins by Sortase Enzymatic Ligation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 60: 16839-16853
Apley KD, Griffin JD, Johnson SN, et al. (2020) Tetrameric Fluorescent Antigen Arrays for Single-Step Identification of Antigen-Specific B Cells. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
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