University of California, Berkeley

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Marie AbeMusic, Asian Studies, Cultural Anthropology Music2010 Bonnie C. Wade (grad student)
Sabrina C. AgarwalBioarchaeology, biological and evolutionary anthropology, osteology and osteoporosis, health and disease, paleopathology.
Norma AlarconEthnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies, Cultural Anthropology
James M. AllanNorth American Archaeology with specialization in California, coastal hunter-gatherers, colonialism2001 Kent Lightfoot (grad student)
Mont AllenArt History, Classical Studies, Archaeology Anthropology History of Art2014 Christopher H. Hallett (grad student)
Stanley H. AmbroseArchaeology Anthropology1984 Glynn Isaac (grad student), John Desmond Clark (grad student)
Dorsa Amirevolutionary anthropology, developmental psychology
E. N AndersonAnthropology, human ecology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Sociology19651967 George McLelland Foster (grad student), Jack Potter (grad student), Brent Berlin (grad student), Wolfram Eberhard (grad student)
Pia-Kristina B. AndersonCultural Anthropology, United States History2001 Patrick V. Kirch (grad student)
Ivan ArenasReligion, anthropology of the senses, media theory, language and performance, Islam and the Middle East. Anthropology2011 Charles Hirschkind (grad student)
Samuel ArmisteadComparative Literature, Medieval Literature, Cultural Anthropology, Romance Literature, Latin American Literature, Caribbean Literature, Music
Michael AshleyArchaeology Anthropology, Art Education, Secondary Education2004 Ruth Tringham (grad student)
Sonya L. AtalayArchaeology Anthropology2003 Ruth Tringham (grad student)
Shalini R. AyyagariMusic, Cultural Anthropology, South Asian Studies, Geography2009 Bonnie C. Wade (grad student)
Samuel BanalesSocial/cultural anthropology, especially as relating to topics in linguistic and medical anthropology, folklore and performance, racialization, and violence Anthropology2012 Charles L. Briggs (grad student)
Matthew S. BandyFood and agriculture, archaeology, political complexity, gender, paleoethnobotany; Andes.2001 Christine Hastorf (grad student)
Laura A. BathurstCultural anthropology, comparative methods, law, dispute resolution, controlling processes, kinships, professional mind-sets, Middle East, Mexico, and U.S.2005 Laura Nader (grad student)
James BattleAnthropology of science, technology, and medicine; Latin America (particularly Mexico); post-colonial science studies; kinship, gender, and queer studies. Medical Anthropology2012 Cori Hayden (grad student)
Martin Baumhoff Anthropology Robert Heizer (grad student)
Tanika J. BeamonFolklore, Cultural Anthropology, Black History, American Studies, American Literature, United States History2001 Alan Dundes (grad student)
Patrick D. BeauchesneBioarchaeology, biological and evolutionary anthropology, osteology and osteoporosis, health and disease, paleopathology. Anthropology2012 Sabrina C. Agarwal (grad student)
Leigh-Ann BedalArchaeology Anthropology Near Eastern Studies1992 David B. Stronach (grad student)
Maria I. Belausteguigoitia RiusEthnic and Racial Studies, Latin American Literature2000 Norma Alarcon (grad student)
Denise A. BellCommunity College Education, Finance Education, Administration Education2005 W Norton Grubb (grad student)
Overton B. BerlinLatin American Studies, Plant Culture Agriculture, Linguistics Language, Botany Biology
Gerald BerremanCultural Anthropology, Recreation, Social Structure and Development
João Biehl Anthropology Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Kira Blaisdell-SloanMateriality and the archaeology of inequality; gender, sex, and sexuality; cultural heritage policy; Central America and Mexico.2006 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Nana Y. BoaiteySocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.2004 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
Rebecca M. BodenheimerMusic, Latin American Studies, Cultural Anthropology Music2010 Jocelyne Guilbault (grad student)
Cari L. BorjaCultural Anthropology, Fine Arts2001 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
James BosterCultural Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology1981 Brent Berlin (grad student), Eugene A. Hammel (grad student), Thomas Duncan (grad student)
Claud A. Bramblett Anthropology Sherwood Larned Washburn (grad student)
Stanley H. BrandesRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).
Charles L. BriggsSocial/cultural anthropology, especially as relating to topics in linguistic and medical anthropology, folklore and performance, racialization, and violence
Anna T. Browne RibeiroMateriality and the archaeology of inequality; gender, sex, and sexuality; cultural heritage policy; Central America and Mexico. Anthropology2011 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Carla S. BrunetMusic, Gender Studies, Latin American Studies Music2012 Jocelyne Guilbault (grad student)
Maria G. BruniClassical Studies, European History Classical Archaeology2009 Christopher H. Hallett (grad student)
Mary BucholtzSociocultural linguistics, language and identity, linguistic representation, language gender and sexuality, African American English, American Spanish; Linguistics Robin T. Lakoff (grad student)
Teresa D. BulgerHistorical and Contemporary Archaeology, Preservation and Heritage, Household archaeology, US and Caribbean Anthropology2013 Laurie Wilkie (grad student)
Peter S. CahnRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2001 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Christina J. CampbellPhysical Anthropology, Animal Physiology Biology2000 Phyllis Dolhinow (grad student)
Rachel M. CaneFood and agriculture, archaeology, political complexity, gender, paleoethnobotany; Andes. Anthropology2011 Christine Hastorf (grad student)
Tom CarlsonBotany Biology, Asia History, Cultural Anthropology
Josefa Carpena MendezRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2006 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Kimberly B. CassibryArt History, Archaeology Anthropology, Ancient History2009 Christopher H. Hallett (grad student)
Peter A. CastroAsian Studies, Theory and Methods, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Agricultural Economics Anthropology1988 David Brokensha (grad student)
Rachel C. CeasarCritical Medical Anthropology, the anthropology of violence, madness and culture, inequality and marginality, childhood and the family, Ireland, Brazil, Cuba, South Africa. Medical Anthropology2014 Nancy Scheper-hughes (grad student)
William J. CharlandArt Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Cultural Anthropology, Black Studies, Fine Arts2001 W Norton Grubb (grad student)
Kun ChenScience, Technology, & Society; Anthropology of Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Modernity; Contemporary Chinese Art; Selected interests in Southeast Asia, China, and U.S.A. Anthropology2011 Aihwa Ong (grad student)
John M. ChenowethHistorical and Contemporary Archaeology, Preservation and Heritage, Household archaeology, US and Caribbean Anthropology2011 Laurie Wilkie (grad student)
Chih H. ChiangArchaeology Anthropology Anthropology2010 Ruth Tringham (grad student)
Jenny T. ChioCultural Anthropology, Geography, Mass Communications, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Recreation2009 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Scarlett ChiuArchaeology Anthropology2003 Patrick V. Kirch (grad student)
Youngmin ChoeAsian Literature, Cinema2007 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Kimberly E. ChristensenHistorical and Contemporary Archaeology, Preservation and Heritage, Household archaeology, US and Caribbean Anthropology2012 Laurie Wilkie (grad student)
Juliet Christian-SmithEnvironmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering2006 Louise P. Fortmann (grad student)
Russell CiochonPhysical Anthropology Anthropology Francis Clark Howell (grad student)
Bonnie J. ClarkHistorical and Contemporary Archaeology, Preservation and Heritage, Household archaeology, US and Caribbean2003 Laurie Wilkie (grad student)
John Desmond Clark
Isabelle Clark-decès Gerald Berreman (grad student)
Linda E. CocoCultural anthropology, comparative methods, law, dispute resolution, controlling processes, kinships, professional mind-sets, Middle East, Mexico, and U.S. Anthropology2011 Laura Nader (grad student)
Lawrence CohenSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.
James H. CoilArchaeology Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Paleoecology2004 Patrick V. Kirch (grad student)
Stephen J. CollierCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France.2001 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Elizabeth Colson
Margaret W. ConkeyArchaeology Anthropology, African Studies, African History
Robert S. CorrucciniPhysical Anthropology, Paleontology Anthropology Francis Clark Howell (grad student)
Valeria T. Costa e SilvaLatin American Literature, Cultural Anthropology2006 Jose L. Passos (grad student)
Cheryl K. CrawleyRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2008 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Christian A. CrisostomoNear Eastern Studies, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Ancient History Near Eastern Studies2014 Francesca Rochberg (grad student)
Laurence J. CuelenaereMaya culture, language in culture, discourse, cognition and communication, shamanism, the logic of anthropological inquiry, anthropology of literature.2009 William F. Hanks (grad student)
Jon D. DaehnkeArchaeology Anthropology, Native American Studies, American Studies2007 Margaret W. Conkey (grad student)
Annie Danis Anthropology2020 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Cecilia M. DanksSocial Structure and Development, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Public Administration2000 Louise P. Fortmann (grad student)
Robert J. DavidArchaeology Anthropology, Native American Studies Anthropology2012 Margaret W. Conkey (grad student)
Flavio Silva de Anthropology2017 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Alejandro de AvilaLatin American Studies, Plant Culture Agriculture, Linguistics Language, Botany Biology Anthropology2010 Overton B. Berlin (grad student)
Emily M. DeanFood and agriculture, archaeology, political complexity, gender, paleoethnobotany; Andes.2005 Christine Hastorf (grad student)
Christopher R. DeCorseArchaeology Anthropology, African Studies, Sub Saharan Africa Studies, Atlantic World, Colonialism Anthropology James Deetz (grad student)
Kelley DeetzAfrican American Studies, United States History, Archaeology Anthropology, Black History African American Studies2010 Ula Y. Taylor (grad student)
Robin M. DeLuganCultural Anthropology2004 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
William M. DenevanGeography, Archaeology Anthropology Geography19561963 James J. Parsons (grad student)
George Devereux Anthropology Alfred L. Kroeber (grad student)
Carolyn D. DillianNorth American Archaeology with specialization in California, coastal hunter-gatherers, colonialism2002 Kent Lightfoot (grad student)
Laurent DissardArchaeology Anthropology, Middle Eastern Studies, Philosophy of Science Near Eastern Studies2011 Marian H. Feldman (grad student)
Phyllis DolhinowPhysical Anthropology, Animal Physiology Biology
Rebecca E. DolhinowGeography, Women's Studies2003 Allan Pred (grad student)
Benedito R. dos SantosCritical Medical Anthropology, the anthropology of violence, madness and culture, inequality and marginality, childhood and the family, Ireland, Brazil, Cuba, South Africa.2002 Nancy Scheper-hughes (grad student)
Miriam A. DoutriauxFood and agriculture, archaeology, political complexity, gender, paleoethnobotany; Andes.2004 Christine Hastorf (grad student)
Cora Alice Du Boiscultural anthropology Anthropology1932 Robert Lowie (grad student), Alfred L. Kroeber (grad student)
Margaret P. DuesenberryMusic, Folklore, Mass Communications2000 Bonnie C. Wade (grad student)
Nathaniel W. DumasMaya culture, language in culture, discourse, cognition and communication, shamanism, the logic of anthropological inquiry, anthropology of literature. Anthropology2010 William F. Hanks (grad student)
Tom Duncan
Thomas Duncan
Alan DundesFolklore, Cultural Anthropology, Black History, American Studies, American Literature, United States History
Andrea E. DyrnessAdministration Education, Sociology of Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 Carol B. Stack (grad student)
Dace A. DzenovskaReligion, secularism, law and politics, ethics, gender and sexuality, violence, Islam, the Middle East, Europe, South Asia. Anthropology2009 Saba Mahmood (grad student)
Jaisohn EauCultural anthropology, comparative methods, law, dispute resolution, controlling processes, kinships, professional mind-sets, Middle East, Mexico, and U.S. Anthropology2010 Laura Nader (grad student)
Terra EdwardsMaya culture, language in culture, discourse, cognition and communication, shamanism, the logic of anthropological inquiry, anthropology of literature. Anthropology2014 William F. Hanks (grad student)
Penelope EdwardsAsia History, Asian Studies, Cultural Anthropology
Terra Edwardslinguistic anthropology, signed languages, DeafBlind communities Anthropology20082014 William F. Hanks (grad student)
William Welcome Elmendorf Anthropology1949 Alfred L. Kroeber (grad student)
Kenneth Emory Anthropology Alfred L. Kroeber (grad student)
Julie M. EndicottArchaeology Anthropology2000 Patrick V. Kirch (grad student)
Monica E. EppingerCultural anthropology, comparative methods, law, dispute resolution, controlling processes, kinships, professional mind-sets, Middle East, Mexico, and U.S. Anthropology2010 Laura Nader (grad student)
Bradley R. EricksonRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2008 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
John J. ErtlCultural Anthropology2007 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Marian H. FeldmanArchaeology Anthropology, Art History, Ancient History
Mariane C. FermeWest Africa and Sierra Leone; sociocultural theory and methods; history of anthropology; the political imagination; access to justice and transitional justice institutions; materiality; rural livelihoods.
Ben FinneyCultural Anthropology, General Language, Asia History Anthropology Katherine Loumala (grad student)
Daniel FisherSocial Cultural Anthropology; Anthropology of Media; Aboriginal Australia; Music and Sound; Art and Expressive Practice; Photography; Ethnographic Film and Video; Citizenship and the State; Bureaucracy
Philip FlavinMusic2002 Bonnie C. Wade (grad student)
James L. FlexnerArchaeology Anthropology, Asia History, Pacific Rim Studies Anthropology2010 Patrick V. Kirch (grad student)
Kathryn E. ForbesCultural Anthropology, Recreation, Social Structure and Development2000 Gerald Berreman (grad student)
Daryll FordeAnthropology Anthropology Anthropology1924 Alfred L. Kroeber (post-doc), Robert Lowie (post-doc)
Louise P. FortmannSocial Structure and Development, Geography, Cultural Anthropology
Maria Franklin Anthropology Anthropology1997 Margaret W. Conkey (grad student), James Deetz (grad student)
Brian L. FrazerAncient History2009 Ronald S. Stroud (grad student)
Jon M. FreyArchaeology Anthropology, Ancient History, Architecture2006 Christopher H. Hallett (grad student)
Nell M. GabiamCultural anthropology, comparative methods, law, dispute resolution, controlling processes, kinships, professional mind-sets, Middle East, Mexico, and U.S.2008 Laura Nader (grad student)
Susan Galolitical economy of language, including linguistic nationalism, language and gender, and especially the rhetorical and symbolic aspects of political transformation in contemporary eastern Europe and post socialism generally. Her work focuses as well on th1976 Paul Kay (grad student)
Elwanda B. GammillNursing, Community College Education, Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2000 W Norton Grubb (grad student)
Amy H. GardnerSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory. Anthropology2010 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
Robert Gargett Anthropology Francis Clark Howell (grad student)
Donna L. GilletteArchaeology Anthropology, Native American Studies Anthropology2011 Margaret W. Conkey (grad student)
Rachel F. GiraudoCultural Anthropology, African Studies Anthropology Anthropology2011 Margaret W. Conkey (grad student), Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Ives GoddardLinguistics, Algonquian languages, historical linguistics Linguistics Karl V. Teeter (grad student)
Laura D. GoeAdministration Education, Finance Education, Tests and Measurements Education2004 W Norton Grubb (grad student)
Donna M. GoldsteinCultural Anthropology, Black Studies Anthropology Nancy Scheper-hughes (grad student)
Esteban M. GomezMateriality and the archaeology of inequality; gender, sex, and sexuality; cultural heritage policy; Central America and Mexico. Anthropology2010 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Sara L. GonzalezArchaeology Anthropology Margaret W. Conkey (grad student), Kent Lightfoot (grad student)
Marc A. GoodwinSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory. Anthropology2010 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
Nelson H. H. GraburnCultural Anthropology, Sociology of Education, Asian Studies, Middle School Education
Liza GrandiaCultural anthropology, comparative methods, law, dispute resolution, controlling processes, kinships, professional mind-sets, Middle East, Mexico, and U.S.2006 Laura Nader (grad student)
Karen L. GreeneSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.2007 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
Crawford H. GreenewaltArchaeology Anthropology
Uriel GrezemkovskySocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.2005 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
Rachel E. GriffinCultural Anthropology2003 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Mark GriffithClassical Literature, History of Religion, Cultural Anthropology, Ancient History
W Norton GrubbArt Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Cultural Anthropology, Black Studies, Fine Arts
Jocelyne GuilbaultMusic, Latin American Studies, Cultural Anthropology
Zeynep D. GurselCultural Anthropology, Journalism, Mass Communications2007 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Amanda Guzman Anthropology2019 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Junko HabuHunter-gatherer subsistence and settlement, prehistoric Jomon hunter-gatherers in Japan, East Asian archaeology, ceramic analysis, historical archaeology in Japan, archaeology and society.
Athena HadjiArchaeology Anthropology, History of Science, General2004 Ruth Tringham (grad student)
Kira Hall1995 Robin T. Lakoff (grad student)
Christopher H. HallettArchaeology Anthropology, Ancient History, Architecture
Eugene A. HammelDemography, Cultural Anthropology, Individual and Family Studies
Geon-Soo HanCultural Anthropology2000 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
William F. HanksMaya culture, language in culture, discourse, cognition and communication, shamanism, the logic of anthropological inquiry, anthropology of literature.
Gillian HartGeography, Cultural Anthropology, Museology
Walter Hartwig Anthropology1993 Francis Clark Howell (grad student)
Christine HastorfFood and agriculture, archaeology, political complexity, gender, paleoethnobotany; Andes.
Fannie M. HaughtonTeacher Training Education, Black Studies2001 Carol B. Stack (grad student)
Cori HaydenAnthropology of science, technology, and medicine; Latin America (particularly Mexico); post-colonial science studies; kinship, gender, and queer studies.
Katherine F. HayesHistorical and Contemporary Archaeology, Preservation and Heritage, Household archaeology, US and Caribbean2008 Laurie Wilkie (grad student)
Robert Heizer Anthropology Alfred L. Kroeber (grad student)
Celeste N. HenricksonArchaeology Anthropology, Native American Studies Anthropology2013 Steven M. Shackley (grad student)
Stanley B. HermanCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France. Anthropology2012 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Thomas R. HesterArchaeology Anthropology anthropology19691972 Robert Heizer (grad student)
Charles HirschkindReligion, anthropology of the senses, media theory, language and performance, Islam and the Middle East.
Lisa M. HoffmanScience, Technology, & Society; Anthropology of Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Modernity; Contemporary Chinese Art; Selected interests in Southeast Asia, China, and U.S.A.2000 Aihwa Ong (grad student)
Ralph L. HollowayBrain evolution Marian Diamond (grad student), Sherwood Larned Washburn (grad student)
Lisa A. HolmArchaeology Anthropology2006 Patrick V. Kirch (grad student)
James HolstonCities and citizenship; political theory, democracy, and law; planning and architecture; urban ethnography; Brazil, the Americas.
Francis Clark Howell
Pattie K. HsuMusic, Asian Studies, Theater Music2010 Bonnie C. Wade (grad student)
Di HuAndes, lithics, landscape, GIS, social movements Anthropology20072016 Christine Hastorf (grad student)
Cindy Y. HuangScience, Technology, & Society; Anthropology of Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Modernity; Contemporary Chinese Art; Selected interests in Southeast Asia, China, and U.S.A. Anthropology2009 Aihwa Ong (grad student)
Laura HubbardSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.2007 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
Kathleen L. HullNorth American Archaeology with specialization in California, coastal hunter-gatherers, colonialism2002 Kent Lightfoot (grad student)
Daniel R. HusmanSocial cultural anthropology, history and/of anthropology, contemporary trends in social theory, development and culture, China/East Asia. Anthropology2011 Xin Liu (grad student)
Scott R. HutsonMateriality and the archaeology of inequality; gender, sex, and sexuality; cultural heritage policy; Central America and Mexico.2004 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Glynn Isaac
Lisa Johnson Anthropology2018 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Alexandra JonesHistorical and Contemporary Archaeology, Preservation and Heritage, Household archaeology, US and Caribbean Anthropology2010 Laurie Wilkie (grad student)
Rosemary JoyceMateriality and the archaeology of inequality; gender, sex, and sexuality; cultural heritage policy; Central America and Mexico.
Jeffrey S. JurisRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2004 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Jennifer G. KahnArchaeology, Oceania, Polynesia, household archaeology, social complexity, monumental architecture Anthropology Anthropology Patrick V. Kirch (grad student), Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Jessica E. KaiserBioarchaeology, OSteology, Egyptian Archaeology Integrative Biology20082018 Tim D. White (grad student)
Kamal H. KapadiaGeography, Social Structure and Development, Public and Social Welfare2008 Gillian Hart (grad student)
Kevin G. KarpiakSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.2009 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
Junko KawaiHigher Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2005 W Norton Grubb (grad student)
Kathleen L. KaweluArchaeology Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, United States History2007 Patrick V. Kirch (grad student)
Paul KayLinguistic relativism, linguistic anthropology Charles Fillmore (collaborator)
Cathleen A. KellerArt History, Archaeology Anthropology, Ancient History
Jeffrey A. KileCultural Anthropology, Medical and Forensic Anthropology, Asia History2008 Gerald Berreman (grad student)
Minkoo KimHunter-gatherer subsistence and settlement, prehistoric Jomon hunter-gatherers in Japan, East Asian archaeology, ceramic analysis, historical archaeology in Japan, archaeology and society.2005 Junko Habu (grad student)
Nan Y. Kim-PaikScience, Technology, & Society; Anthropology of Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Modernity; Contemporary Chinese Art; Selected interests in Southeast Asia, China, and U.S.A.2007 Aihwa Ong (grad student)
Stacie M. KingMateriality and the archaeology of inequality; gender, sex, and sexuality; cultural heritage policy; Central America and Mexico.2003 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Patrick V. Kirch
Deanna Kiser-GoArt History, Archaeology Anthropology, Ancient History2006 Cathleen A. Keller (grad student)
Rajna KlaserMusic2001 Bonnie C. Wade (grad student)
Misha KleinCritical Medical Anthropology, the anthropology of violence, madness and culture, inequality and marginality, childhood and the family, Ireland, Brazil, Cuba, South Africa. Cultural Studies in Education Anthropology African American Studies Anthropology2002 Nancy Scheper-hughes (grad student), Carol B. Stack (grad student), Alan Dundes (grad student), Percy Hintzen (grad student), Laura Nader (grad student)
David J. KojanFood and agriculture, archaeology, political complexity, gender, paleoethnobotany; Andes.2002 Christine Hastorf (grad student)
Yoshiko KonishiSocial cultural anthropology, history and/of anthropology, contemporary trends in social theory, development and culture, China/East Asia.2009 Xin Liu (grad student)
Stacy C. KozakavichHistorical and Contemporary Archaeology, Preservation and Heritage, Household archaeology, US and Caribbean2007 Laurie Wilkie (grad student)
Alfred L. KroeberAnthropology
Jedidiah J. KronckeSocial cultural anthropology, history and/of anthropology, contemporary trends in social theory, development and culture, China/East Asia.2007 Xin Liu (grad student)
Shiloh R. KruparGeography, Cultural Anthropology, Museology2007 Gillian Hart (grad student)
Donna L. KwonMusic, Folklore, Cultural Anthropology2005 Bonnie C. Wade (grad student)
Michel LaguerreEthnic and Racial Studies, Asia History, Cultural Anthropology
Andrew H. LakoffCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France.2000 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Stephanie M. Langin-HooperNear Eastern Studies, Art History, Archaeology Anthropology Near Eastern Studies2011 Marian H. Feldman (grad student)
Nicolas D. LanglitzCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France.2007 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Edward Putnam Lanning1960 John Rowe (grad student)
Anne M. LarsonEnvironmental Sciences, Social Structure and Development, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture2001 Louise P. Fortmann (grad student)
Chan N. LeMusic2002 Bonnie C. Wade (grad student)
Asia LeedsBlack History, Latin American History African American Studies2010 Ula Y. Taylor (grad student)
Naomi M. LeiteSociocultural Anthropology, Psychological Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology2011 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student), Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Katherine LemonsSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory. Anthropology2010 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
Rebecca M. LemovCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France.2000 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Joshua W. LevySocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.2007 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
Kent LightfootNorth American Archaeology with specialization in California, coastal hunter-gatherers, colonialism
Ashley N. LippsBioarchaeology, biological and evolutionary anthropology, osteology and osteoporosis, health and disease, paleopathology. Anthropology2014 Sabrina C. Agarwal (grad student)
Xin LiuSocial cultural anthropology, history and/of anthropology, contemporary trends in social theory, development and culture, China/East Asia.
Jonathan K. LondonSocial Structure and Development, Geography, Cultural Anthropology2001 Louise P. Fortmann (grad student)
Jeanne L. LopiparoMateriality and the archaeology of inequality; gender, sex, and sexuality; cultural heritage policy; Central America and Mexico.2003 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Katherine Loumala Anthropology Alfred L. Kroeber (grad student)
Robert LowieNorth American Indians
Ian N. LowmanAsia History, Asian Studies, Cultural Anthropology South & Southeast Asian Studies2011 Penelope Edwards (grad student)
Susana I. LozaEthnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies, Cultural Anthropology2004 Norma Alarcon (grad student)
Jennifer D. LuckoRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2007 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Henry Frederick LutzEgyptology, Assyriology
Katherine C. MacKinnonPhysical Anthropology, Zoology Biology2002 Phyllis Dolhinow (grad student)
Erin E. MahaffeyAnthropology of science, technology, and medicine; Latin America (particularly Mexico); post-colonial science studies; kinship, gender, and queer studies. Anthropology2012 Cori Hayden (grad student)
Lisa A. MaherPrehistoric Archaeology; geoarchaeology; micromorphology; Palaeolithic, Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic periods; hunter-gatherers; anthropological approaches to technology; lithic technology, analysis, and production; emergence of complexity; origins of agr
Jelani K. MahiriRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2007 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Saba MahmoodReligion, secularism, law and politics, ethics, gender and sexuality, violence, Islam, the Middle East, Europe, South Asia.
Gail A. MahoodGeology, Archaeology Anthropology1980 Ian S. E. Carmichael (grad student)
Doris J. MaldonadoMateriality and the archaeology of inequality; gender, sex, and sexuality; cultural heritage policy; Central America and Mexico. Anthropology2011 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Tatyana MamutMaya culture, language in culture, discourse, cognition and communication, shamanism, the logic of anthropological inquiry, anthropology of literature.2007 William F. Hanks (grad student)
Jeannette C. MarchandAncient History, Archaeology Anthropology2002 Ronald S. Stroud (grad student)
Arthur L. MasonCultural Anthropology2004 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Catherine F. MathersCultural Anthropology, American Studies, Social Structure and Development2003 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Hideaki MatsuokaRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2000 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
William T. MazzarellaSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.2000 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
Catharine McClellanNative Americans, Yukon19461950 Robert Lowie (grad student)
Lance T. McCreadySociology of Education, Cultural Anthropology, Black Studies2002 Carol B. Stack (grad student)
Monty McCrossin Anthropology Francis Clark Howell (grad student)
Melanie H. McDermottCultural Anthropology, Geography, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture2000 Louise P. Fortmann (grad student)
Joe Medicine Crow
Clement Woodward Meighan Anthropology Alfred L. Kroeber (grad student)
Saul MercadoMaya culture, language in culture, discourse, cognition and communication, shamanism, the logic of anthropological inquiry, anthropology of literature.2008 William F. Hanks (grad student)
Elisabeth R. MiddletonHispanic American Studies, Environmental Sciences, United States History, Native American Studies2008 Louise P. Fortmann (grad student)
Sidsel N. MillerstromArchaeology Anthropology, Art History2001 Patrick V. Kirch (grad student)
Katharine MiltonNutritional Anthropology, Ecology, Parasites
Mithra M. MoezziCanadian Studies, History of Science2004 Alan Dundes (grad student)
Alfred J. MontoyaScience, Technology, & Society; Anthropology of Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Modernity; Contemporary Chinese Art; Selected interests in Southeast Asia, China, and U.S.A. Anthropology2010 Aihwa Ong (grad student)
Donald S. MooreCultural politics; race, ethnicity, and identity; spatiality and power; governmentality; development; environment; postcolonial theory; Africa Geography Michael J. Watts (grad student)
Amelia M. MooreAnthropology of science, technology, and medicine; Latin America (particularly Mexico); post-colonial science studies; kinship, gender, and queer studies. Anthropology2010 Cori Hayden (grad student)
Shanti Morell-HartMateriality and the archaeology of inequality; gender, sex, and sexuality; cultural heritage policy; Central America and Mexico. Anthropology2011 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Colleen L. MorganArchaeology Anthropology, Multimedia Communications Anthropology2012 Ruth Tringham (grad student)
Laura NaderCultural anthropology, comparative methods, law, dispute resolution, controlling processes, kinships, professional mind-sets, Middle East, Mexico, and U.S.
Anna N. NarutaNorth American Archaeology with specialization in California, coastal hunter-gatherers, colonialism2006 Kent Lightfoot (grad student)
Kiersten A. NeumannNear Eastern Studies, Art History, Cultural Anthropology Near Eastern Studies2014 Marian H. Feldman (grad student)
Sheilah NicholasIndigenous culture-based education, language revitalization, language teacher training John Ogbu (grad student)
John OgbuRace, Ethnicity, Anthropology, Minorities
Yuko OkuboSocial cultural anthropology, history and/of anthropology, contemporary trends in social theory, development and culture, China/East Asia.2005 Xin Liu (grad student)
Krisjon R. OlsonCritical Medical Anthropology, the anthropology of violence, madness and culture, inequality and marginality, childhood and the family, Ireland, Brazil, Cuba, South Africa.2007 Nancy Scheper-hughes (grad student)
Aihwa OngScience, Technology, & Society; Anthropology of Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Modernity; Contemporary Chinese Art; Selected interests in Southeast Asia, China, and U.S.A.
Maria T. OngCultural Anthropology, Social Structure and Development, Sociology of Education, Women's Studies, Sciences Education2002 Carol B. Stack (grad student)
Juan T. OrdonezCritical Medical Anthropology, the anthropology of violence, madness and culture, inequality and marginality, childhood and the family, Ireland, Brazil, Cuba, South Africa. Anthropology2010 Nancy Scheper-hughes (grad student)
Beverly R. OrtizCultural Anthropology, Native American Studies, Design and Decorative Arts2008 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Tracey M. OsborneEnvironmental Studies, Geography, Climate Change Energy & Resources2010 Gillian Hart (grad student)
Sven OuzmanArchaeology Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, African History2008 Margaret W. Conkey (grad student)
Jeff L. PackmanMusic2007 Jocelyne Guilbault (grad student)
Isabelle A. PaffordAncient History, Classical Literature, History of Religion2006 Ronald S. Stroud (grad student)
Trevor PaglenGeography, American Studies2008 Gillian Hart (grad student)
David T. PalmerHistorical and Contemporary Archaeology, Preservation and Heritage, Household archaeology, US and Caribbean2005 Laurie Wilkie (grad student)
Anand S. PandianCultural politics; race, ethnicity, and identity; spatiality and power; governmentality; development; environment; postcolonial theory; Africa2004 Donald S. Moore (grad student)
Stefania PandolfoCultural Anthropology, medical anthropology, theories of subjectivity, postcolonial criticism, anthropology and literature, Islam, Middle East and the Maghreb
Lee M. PanichNorth American Archaeology with specialization in California, coastal hunter-gatherers, colonialism2009 Kent Lightfoot (grad student)
Amy R. ParishBiological Anthropology, Primatology1996 Sarah Blaffer Hrdy (grad student)
Jeehwan ParkCultural Anthropology, Sociology of Education, Asian Studies, Middle School Education Anthropology2011 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
James J. ParsonsCultural geography Geography19361948 Carl Ortwin Sauer (grad student)
Damani J. PartridgeScience, Technology, & Society; Anthropology of Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Modernity; Contemporary Chinese Art; Selected interests in Southeast Asia, China, and U.S.A.2003 Aihwa Ong (grad student)
Jose L. PassosLatin American Literature, Cultural Anthropology
Thomas C. Patterson John Rowe (grad student)
Benjamin B. PeacockSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.2008 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
John-Carlos PereaMusic, Native American Studies2009 Jocelyne Guilbault (grad student)
Moira A. PerezRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2002 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Adrienne PineRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2004 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Aigli A. PittakaRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2007 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Jack Potter
Traci L. PotterfRitual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).2006 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Allan PredGeography, Urban and Regional Planning, Cultural Anthropology
Paul M. RabinowCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France.
Matthew J. RahaimMusic, Cultural Anthropology, Folklore, South Asian Studies Music2009 Bonnie C. Wade (grad student)
Catherine S. RamirezAmerican Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies2000 Norma Alarcon (grad student)
Amy E. RamsayArchaeology Anthropology, Mass Communications, Social Sciences Education2007 Ruth Tringham (grad student)
Elsworth M. RayPhysical Anthropology, Zoology Biology2000 Phyllis Dolhinow (grad student)
Jonathan L. ReadyClassical Literature2004 Mark Griffith (grad student)
Tobias ReesCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France.2006 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Bruno M. ReinhardtReligion, anthropology of the senses, media theory, language and performance, Islam and the Middle East. Anthropology2013 Charles Hirschkind (grad student)
Beatriz M. Reyes-FosterGlobal mental health. The intersections of language and culture in mental health services. Suicide and suicide prevention organizations and their relationship to cultural narratives of the exotic “indigenous”. Religion, spirituality and its intersections Anthropology2011 Stanley H. Brandes (grad student)
Analiese M. RichardMaya culture, language in culture, discourse, cognition and communication, shamanism, the logic of anthropological inquiry, anthropology of literature.2005 William F. Hanks (grad student)
Mattie U. RichardsonBlack Studies, American Literature, Women's Studies, Cinema, Ethnic and Racial Studies2005 Ula Y. Taylor (grad student)
Francesca RochbergNear Eastern Studies, Art History, Cultural Anthropology
Andrew P. RoddickFood and agriculture, archaeology, political complexity, gender, paleoethnobotany; Andes. Anthropology2009 Christine Hastorf (grad student)
Christopher W. RoebuckSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory. Medical Anthropology2013 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
John Rowe
Arpita RoyCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France. Anthropology2011 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Daromir A. RudnyckyjScience, Technology, & Society; Anthropology of Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Modernity; Contemporary Chinese Art; Selected interests in Southeast Asia, China, and U.S.A.2006 Aihwa Ong (grad student)
Nerissa RussellArchaeology Anthropology, History of Religion Anthropology1993 Ruth Tringham (grad student)
Amy E. RykenVocational Education, Sciences Education, Community College Education2001 W Norton Grubb (grad student)
Rashmi SadanaSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.2003 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)
Kendra R. SaloisMusic, Cultural Anthropology, North African Studies Music2013 Jocelyne Guilbault (grad student)
Alberto W. SanchezCultural anthropology, comparative methods, law, dispute resolution, controlling processes, kinships, professional mind-sets, Middle East, Mexico, and U.S. Anthropology2009 Laura Nader (grad student)
Brinda SarathyGeography, Hispanic American Studies, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture2006 Louise P. Fortmann (grad student)
Matthew P. SayreFood and agriculture, archaeology, political complexity, gender, paleoethnobotany; Andes. Anthropology2010 Christine Hastorf (grad student)
Amy G. ScharfSocial Sciences Education, Sociology of Education, Public and Social Welfare, General2000 Carol B. Stack (grad student)
Laura L. ScheiberArchaeology Anthropology2001 Margaret W. Conkey (grad student)
Nancy Scheper-hughesCritical Medical Anthropology, the anthropology of violence, madness and culture, inequality and marginality, childhood and the family, Ireland, Brazil, Cuba, South Africa.
Kathy SchickPaleontology, Paleoecology, Geology, Physical Anthropology Anthropology Francis Clark Howell (grad student)
Tsim D. SchneiderNorth American Archaeology with specialization in California, coastal hunter-gatherers, colonialism Anthropology2010 Kent Lightfoot (grad student)
David M. Schneider
P Thomas SchoenemannPhysical Anthropology Anthropology Vincent Sarich (grad student)
Anke F. SchwittayScience, Technology, & Society; Anthropology of Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Modernity; Contemporary Chinese Art; Selected interests in Southeast Asia, China, and U.S.A.2006 Aihwa Ong (grad student)
Steven M. ShackleyArchaeology Anthropology, Native American Studies
M Steven ShackleyArchaeology Anthropology
Demitri Shimkin
Anne G. ShortGeography, Environmental Studies, Environmental Management, Land Use Planning Energy & Resources2010 Louise P. Fortmann (grad student)
Stephen W. SillimanNorth American Archaeology with specialization in California, coastal hunter-gatherers, colonialism2000 Kent Lightfoot (grad student)
Brian E. Silversteincultural anthropology, modernity, religion and secularism, social and political theory, liberalism, reform, public culture, mass media, nationalism, historiography19962002 Stefania Pandolfo (grad student)
Erik D. SmithDemography, Cultural Anthropology, Individual and Family Studies2001 Eugene A. Hammel (grad student)
Carolyn A. Smith Anthropology2016 Rosemary Joyce (grad student)
Cheryl A. Smith-LintnerHistorical and Contemporary Archaeology, Preservation and Heritage, Household archaeology, US and Caribbean2007 Laurie Wilkie (grad student)
Kathaeryne E. SoluriBioarchaeology, biological and evolutionary anthropology, osteology and osteoporosis, health and disease, paleopathology. Anthropology2010 Sabrina C. Agarwal (grad student)
Carol B. StackSociology of Education, Cultural Anthropology, Black Studies
Ann StahlArchaeology Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Anthropology John Desmond Clark (grad student)
Mary M. StalcupCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France. Medical Anthropology2009 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Craig B. Stanfordhunting behavior, meat-eating, chimpanzees, gorillas Katharine Milton (grad student)
Anthony StavrianakisCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France. Anthropology2012 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Claudia SteinerCritical Medical Anthropology, the anthropology of violence, madness and culture, inequality and marginality, childhood and the family, Ireland, Brazil, Cuba, South Africa.2005 Nancy Scheper-hughes (grad student)
Kathleen A. SterlingArchaeology Anthropology2005 Margaret W. Conkey (grad student)
Pamela R. SternCultural Anthropology, Canadian History2001 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Julian StewardCultural ecology19271929 Alfred L. Kroeber (grad student)
Arthur Stinchcombelaw and society, science and technology, economy and society Sociology1960 Philip Selznick (grad student), Seymour Martin Lipset (grad student)
Maria M. StoilkovaCommunism and post-communism, Political Anthropology, Linguistic anthropology, Media and Mediation, Utopias, History, Cold War, Discourse, Subject, Ideology, Sovereignty, Russia, Soviet and post-Soviet world, Irony, Performance and performativity.2003 Alexei Yurchak (grad student)
Sabine E. StollCrosslinguistic language acquisition, Chintang19962001 Dan I. Slobin (grad student), Johanna Nichols (grad student), Alan Timberlake (grad student)
William Duncan Strong Anthropology Alfred L. Kroeber (grad student)
Ronald S. StroudAncient History, Archaeology Anthropology
Rachael J. StrykerCultural anthropology, comparative methods, law, dispute resolution, controlling processes, kinships, professional mind-sets, Middle East, Mexico, and U.S.2004 Laura Nader (grad student)
William C. Sturtevant Anthropology John Rowe (grad student)
Jun SunseriColonialism, Foodways, Landscapes, Historical and Contemporary Archaeology, Preservation and Heritage, Southwest US and Northern South Africa
Amin SweeneyArt History, Asian Literature, Cultural Anthropology
Maki TanakaCultural Anthropology, Caribbean Studies, Recreation, Cultural Resources Management Anthropology2011 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Lucien G. TaylorCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France.2000 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Ula Y. TaylorAfrican American Studies, United States History, Archaeology Anthropology, Black History
Laurence A. TessierSocial cultural anthropology, history and/of anthropology, contemporary trends in social theory, development and culture, China/East Asia. Anthropology2014 Xin Liu (grad student)
Tok F. ThompsonCultural Anthropology, Archaeology Anthropology, Folklore2002 Alan Dundes (grad student)
Roderic K. TierneyCultural Anthropology2002 Nelson H. H. Graburn (grad student)
Nicholas TothPaleontology, Paleoecology, Geology, Physical Anthropology Anthropology Francis Clark Howell (grad student)
Han T. TranClassical Literature, History of Religion, Cultural Anthropology, Ancient History2006 Mark Griffith (grad student)
Ruth TringhamArchaeology Anthropology
Takeyuki TsudaNutrition, Cultural Anthropology, Public Health Anthropology George De Vos (grad student)
Burcu TungArchaeology Anthropology, Architecture2008 Ruth Tringham (grad student)
Russell TuttleAnthropology Sherwood Larned Washburn (grad student)
Patricia Urteaga-CrovettoCultural anthropology, comparative methods, law, dispute resolution, controlling processes, kinships, professional mind-sets, Middle East, Mexico, and U.S.2005 Laura Nader (grad student)
Caroline K. ValverdeEthnic and Racial Studies, Asia History, Cultural Anthropology2002 Michel Laguerre (grad student)
Eric V. Van DuzerHigher Education, Industrial Engineering2000 W Norton Grubb (grad student)
Cynthia L. Van GilderArchaeology Anthropology2005 Patrick V. Kirch (grad student)
Sarah E Vaughnenvironmental anthropology
Yolanda VenegasUnited States History, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies2004 Norma Alarcon (grad student)
Jennifer C. VilleneuveCommunity College Education, Adult and Continuing Education2000 W Norton Grubb (grad student)
Sissel A. WaageSocial Structure and Development, Environmental Sciences, Urban and Regional Planning2000 Louise P. Fortmann (grad student)
Bonnie C. WadeMusic, Folklore, Cultural Anthropology
Michael D. WassermanEnvironmental endocrinology, dietary ecology Environmental Science, Policy, & Management20042011 Katharine Milton (grad student)
Elnora T. WebbCommunity College Education, Administration Education, Higher Education2002 W Norton Grubb (grad student)
Julie K. WespBioarchaeology, biological and evolutionary anthropology, osteology and osteoporosis, health and disease, paleopathology. Anthropology2014 Sabrina C. Agarwal (grad student)
William T. WhiteheadFood and agriculture, archaeology, political complexity, gender, paleoethnobotany; Andes.2007 Christine Hastorf (grad student)
Jerome O. WhitingtonScience, Technology, & Society; Anthropology of Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Modernity; Contemporary Chinese Art; Selected interests in Southeast Asia, China, and U.S.A.2008 Aihwa Ong (grad student)
Emily E. WilcoxSocial cultural anthropology, history and/of anthropology, contemporary trends in social theory, development and culture, China/East Asia. Anthropology2011 Xin Liu (grad student)
Laurie WilkieHistorical and Contemporary Archaeology, Preservation and Heritage, Household archaeology, US and Caribbean
Suzanne L. WilsonCultural anthropology, comparative methods, law, dispute resolution, controlling processes, kinships, professional mind-sets, Middle East, Mexico, and U.S. Anthropology2011 Laura Nader (grad student)
Kathryn A. Woolard linguistic anthropology, language and ethnicity, bilingual communities, language ideology, and political discourse and in Catalonia, Spain, and the United States John Joseph Gumperz (grad student)
Alexei YurchakCommunism and post-communism, Political Anthropology, Linguistic anthropology, Media and Mediation, Utopias, History, Cold War, Discourse, Subject, Ideology, Sovereignty, Russia, Soviet and post-Soviet world, Irony, Performance and performativity.
Caitlin M. ZaloomCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France.2002 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Edoardo G. ZavarellaCultural anthropology, philosophy of human and life sciences, modernity, the contemporary; France. Anthropology2012 Paul M. Rabinow (grad student)
Everett Y. ZhangSocial Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.2003 Lawrence Cohen (grad student)